Chapter 1

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Run, that's all I could think to do, but My body and mind don't always seem to cooperate. my mind is screaming 'run' but my body stays stationary. blood, so much blood is beginning to pool at my feet, yet I cannot run from the blur holding the silver sliver of an object intended to end my life. his hazel eyes burn into my skin as he raises to instrument to impale just under my rib cage causing more crimson liquid to seep out. I take another shallow breath and hold it until I feel my eyelids becoming heavy. pain is present, but I can't find my voice to scream for help. my voice is found when the sharp utensil yet again connects with my stomach.

I yelp out, but Then I'm alone, no one, not even my murderous silhouette is to be found. I glance around and notice I'm no longer in a crimson puddle, but in my bed with the duvet bunched up around my waist. I'm drenched in sweat, my hair is stuck to my forehead, and my pulse is racing as my nightmare replays in my mind. I was trembling and soaked with perspiration. I slowly lay back down on my back staring at my ceiling. I'm so tired, but I'm horrified that my nightmare will return.

I grip the plush duvet in both hands and tug it further up my body. I glanced over at the clock on my tiny table beside my bed, I let out a deep sigh, it was so early 5:37 in the morning. I rolled onto my side and stuck my hand under my pillow in search of my phone. I grasped the electronic and unlocked it to see that I had two new messages from my mother and Andrew. I hastily opened the one from Andrew first and felt a pang of guilt come over me as I read his message.

*Ally...if you don't want to come with me it's fine but I would really love if you'd try to at least consider coming with me please*

I could picture my boyfriend with a deep frown etched upon his beautiful features while his hair was wild out of frustration. I should consider going with him to Florida for spring break. I sighed again, finally moving the damp hair from my face. I opened my mom's text next even though I was sure it had to do with me being prompt.

*Alyssa I hope you've finished packing you know how much I hate to wait. I'll be there to pick you up at 6:30 because it's a 3-hour drive to get to NYU, so be ready.*

I checked the time once more, 5:40, I barely have an hour to get fully ready for my mom's arrival. I sling my legs over the edge of the bed. the tile is freezing under my feet, but I have no time to procrastinate so I quickly gathered my outfit that I left out of my bags. I grabbed a thick white towel and headed to shower. quickly cleansing myself and got out knowing my mother is always punctual to everything. I wrap another towel around my damp bronze hair as I get ready. I slide on the dark denim skinny jeans along with my plain yellow V-neck, coat, and Sperry's. I rush back into the bathroom to blow dry and curl my hair. I apply a little mascara and lip gloss before doing a quick walk through my apartment making sure I packed all I need.

My phone began to ring just as I was about to brew me a cup of coffee. I rushed over when I saw Andrews face on the screen.

"Hello" my voice was still kind of hoarse since it was so early.

"Hey, darling how is everything going over there?" Andrew's voice is soft like velvet.

"Everything's great actually, I'm just making sure everything is ready. how about you, how's it going over there?" I wonder if he has on the plaid shirt and dark jeans that I'm picturing him in.

"Everything's good over here, my bags for Florida are packed and ready to go" he sighed, I can just picture him raking his hands through his hair and his chocolate eyes gazing at the floor as he speaks to me. "you never responded to my text" he finally spoke sounding hurt.

I let out a shaky sigh, I hated to hear him this way "Drew I told you already, I don't know about going to Florida yet" I rub my forehead "if I decide I do or don't want to go. I told you, I'll let you know" the line was silent.

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