Chapter 3

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"Well, of course, the stiff doesn't drink" Aiden chuckled bitterly. "I'm surprised that Chris even got her to a party" he stopped chuckling and glared at Shawn. why was he out here or even talking to us, it was obvious that we weren't listening. I glanced over at Shawn and seen that he was glaring at Aiden as well. what was going on?

I cleared my throat because it seemed as if neither of them was going to stop their staring contest anytime soon. Their attention then turned to me. "I'm fixing to go back inside," Aiden said before turning around to go back in the frat house.

I took a sip from my drink and the liquid burned on its way down my throat. "um Shawn what'd you say this was?" I asked holding the cup up to him. he took a sip of his drink nodded face palming himself. "you have my drink I'm sorry" he said while he swapped cups with me.

I smiled at him "so are you excited to begin your classes tomorrow?" Shawn asked grinning at me. "yeah most definitely, I've always wanted to go to school here" I beamed at how hard I worked in school.

The mention of school reminded me that I need to get back to my dorm. "um Shawn it was really nice meeting and hanging out with you" I paused looking at my phone. 11:46. "but I really got to get going," I said while getting up from the stone wall.

The wall really hurt but it was better than standing. "yeah I understand" he spoke "but we should hang out again sometime" he stated. I did like Shawn's company so why not "yeah sure, wanna trade numbers?" I offered. he nodded causing his blonde hair to shag into his face before he brushed it away.

I typed my phone number in his phone, while he did the same to mine. I gave him a friendly hug before heading to the frat house. the music was still blaring and people were still groping each other on the dance floor so nothing had changed.

I was starting to get tired as I moved through the swarm of bodies looking for Chris. I saw Aiden's familiar face kissing the same blonde that I had seen him with earlier. maybe he had seen her. I pushed past a few more bodies before I made it over to Aiden.

I tapped his shoulder lightly. he turned and looked over at me in surprise, probably because I was speaking to him. "um Aiden have you seen Chris" I questioned, the floor looking extremely interesting at the moment. the blonde grinned at me twirling a strand of hair around her index finger.

"no I haven't and I have no interest in finding her either" Aiden snapped at me. I furrowed my eyebrows at him in confusion. well, he was Aiden so this attitude shouldn't really be a surprise. "okay" was all I mumbled before walking away from him. I heard the blonde giggle as I walked away.

I was beyond tired now, Aiden had exhausted me completely. I walked up the stairs to find an empty room to stay in because finding Chris was hopeless.

After walking in on a few people who should've locked the door. I finally found a room the wasn't occupied. The bed was made and there was a bookshelf lined with books. there was a familiar scent to the room that I couldn't pinpoint where I had smelled it before.

I walked over and ran my fingers along the spines of the books, reading the titles as my fingertips brushed across each one. I was lost in the act until a certain book crossed my sight. Pride & Prejudice, it was one of my favorite books. I picked the worn book up flicking through the pages.

Just as I was about to begin reading it a voice made me nearly jump out of my skin. "what are you doing in my room?" I turned around to see who the booming voice belonged to and it was no one other than Aiden. his blue eyes were piercing me, "I-I was just" I fumbled with my words "I was just looking for somewhere to stay awhile because I can't find Chris and" I was cut off by him snatching the book from my hands and placing it back on the shelf.

"I don't care just get the hell out of my room" he snapped at me. I looked up at his eyes and tried to blame his behavior on alcohol, but his eyes were clear of any source of intoxication.

I quietly turned away before leaving his room just as he told me to. as soon as I was out of his room he slammed his door in my face. I let out the breath I was holding in and began to look for another room to stay. Just my luck I found another empty room, but this room had a stale smell and it was completely empty besides a bed. it looked deserted and uninhabited.

I closed the door as I walked towards the bed. I flopped down in the center closing my eyes waiting for sleep to come over me. not soon after I had shut my eyes the door had opened. I knew I should've locked the door as soon as I saw the figure in the doorway.



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