Chapter 11

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Just as I predicted Aiden was back to his normal self. in class he didn't even acknowledge me at all not a 'Hey ally' or a simple nod. nothing.

But as usual Shawn was there talking and smiling. I swear I could always depend on him to cheer me up. but I'm not a hard person to cheer up. just his smile makes me happy.

"Hey ally" he beams right before Mr. Buford enters the room. I smile at him, silently greeting him because I'm not the kind of person to get on a professors bad side. I was more of a teachers pet if anything.

I knew Shawn would understand. I got out my supplies as usual and began to work on my assignment. at the end of class Mr. Buford collected our papers from yesterday, then he dismissed class. just as I was walking out the door Shawn snatched my arm back so that I was face to face with him.

"Why the hell is Aiden watching you like a hawk?" Shawn asked looking amused and serious at the same time.

I shrugged "I hadn't noticed he was watching me" I admitted "he hasn't even spoken to me today" I said.

Shawn nodded his head, releasing my arm. "I noticed that too. he can be such. Jerk sometimes. I can't believe we're related..." then his emerald eyes widened.

Related...? This caught my attention and Shawn knew it. he shook his head.

"It's nothing Alyssa it just..." he looked down defeated. Shawn and Aiden were relatives. but how?

"Can we talk about it over lunch?" I asked. he ran his fingers through his hair nodding.

"Yeah sure" he agreed, not like he'd have a choice anyways. I smiled widely, it was kind of forced but a smile nonetheless. he didn't return a smile as big as my own. but he did smile.


The sandwich shop was practically empty today. which was good because I have a feeling that not many people know about the whole Aiden and Shawn thing. and I knew they'd probably want to keep it that way.

We sat down, ordering our drinks and staring at the menu. "Do you know why your getting yet? I heard there turkey sandwiches are the best" he was avoiding the situation.

"I don't really care for turkey that much" I stated. he nodded and kept quiet until the waitress came back. She took our orders and smiled at us before leaving. Shawn continued to look at the menu even though he had already ordered. I beginning to play with my fingers.

"Shawn how much longer are you going to avoid this conversation?" I questioned. making him look up from the menu.

He sat the paper on the tabletop. "I-I wasn't avoiding it" he stuttered looking around.

"Okay" I urged smiling at him. he couldn't help but return it. I was trying to make the situation easier on him. Because how he was acting I knew he hated to talk about it. whatever it was.

"Okay so Aiden and I are relatives" he started. "but nobody but us and our families know about it"

"Me and Aiden are....brothers if you will. not very close brothers. but we're brothers"

My jaw was on my lap. they were brothers. they didn't seem like it. they seemed like they hated each other.

"Aiden was such a screw up. I tried to help him once. but he'd always say something insulting to me. I'd get mad cuss him out and after a while I'd just stopped trying" he explained.

"Help him what, be a better person?" I asked.

He nodded and continued "yeah that's why I kept telling you to stay away from him. I know him. I've known his past" he cringed "and it's not pretty" he paused "Aiden used to be on drugs, he'd sleep around with any girl with legs, dump them after he screwed them, then move on to the next"

He stopped when the waitress appeared with our food. "I remember when we were kids he would destroy our toys. when I would ask him why. he'd always shrug and say because he could do whatever he wanted" he finished before picking up his sandwich and taking a bite.

My brain was racing was he still on drugs? i mean i knew Aiden was bad but i didn't think he was that bad. i took a tiny bite of my sandwich, i was scared of what id hear next. even though what i had heard hadn't really been that bad. it gave me a clear picture of some of the things that he had done.

"there's more to him than he appears" Shawn said looking me dead in the eye "he has a past full of nothing but trouble. and i know i keep telling you this, and its because i hope one day you'll actually listen to me" he paused shaking his head. "there's way worst things that Aiden has done but they're not my stories to tell" he looked petrified.

i swallowed another tiny bite trying my best to stop the fictional horrid images from flooding my mind. every since i was little i had always tried to seek out the best in everyone. even the people who'd pick on me in school. I'd always find a positive quality about them. maybe that's what I'm trying to do with Aiden. now that I've heard the tiny portion of his past, I'm not sure if its a good idea to even consider trying to achieve that little goal.

but still there's a stubborn part of me that is rebellious and wants to try. regardless of anything anyone says. she wants to go against what anyone says or does to try and stop her from finding that one good thing. and right now, I'm not sure which part of me is winning, but i have good idea.

all this thinking was starting to make my head hurt. which was beginning to ruin my mood. so i decided to change the subject to something more joyful. not only was my aching head ruining my time here, but the glum look plastered on Shawn's face was heartbreaking. and i knew just the topic to cheer him back up in an instant.

"so this weekend is coming up pretty fast huh?" i asked trying to get to my point on the low down.

his head shot up from the tabletop "yeah it is isn't it?" he asked out loud. mainly to himself, not really directed to me.

i nodded and grinned like an idiot "yeah it is, is  Ashley still coming to visit from Cali?" i questioned sipping from the lemonade i ordered. his head tilted slightly as he smiled widely "yeah she is. i cant wait to see her, it seems like its been forever" he grinned harder.

i giggled at him "but what about you is the boyfriend coming too?" he asked me still smiling. i nodded at him as a smile broke on my face too.

i was so excited to see him. its barely been a week since I've seen him, and it feels so much longer than that. "yeah i was wondering if you wanted for all of us to do something together?" i questioned looking up at him.

i didn't think it was possible but his smile grew wider. it was beginning to scare me a little but i pretended it didn't. "yeah ally id love that, so that Ashley can meet my new little sister" he chuckled. i giggled as well.

"yeah and Andrew can meet you as well my only brother and best friend" i giggled uncontrollably.

Shawn laughed then his face became serious "hold on wait a minute" he stared at me as my giggles came to a halt "you don't have any brothers?" he asked as if it was the worse thing in the world. i mean yeah i always wanted one but i never looked at it as anything major.

"yeah i have no brothers" i confirmed "well other than you" i added laughing a little.

'sisters?" he continued to question and i simply shook my head. i was an only child and that didn't bother me. not one bit. when i was little, yeah it bothered me a little because i was mainly by myself. but as i got older the less important the matter seemed to me.

he only nodded at me taking in the little information about me. he looked saddened a bit but quickly disguised the emotion. "what should we do Saturday?" i asked changing the subject again.

he shrugged I don't know but whatever we do it'll be awesome" he cheered taking another mouthful of his sandwich. Saturday was going to rather eventful. i just hoped that Aiden wouldn't spontaneously show up and do anything stupid.


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