Chapter 10

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"Spill now" Chris squealed when I turned around. Her pigtails swinging by her head. I shook my head as a smile crept on my face. what did just happen? Is all I could think myself.

i shrugged my shoulders and prooceded to walk to my bed. but in the blink of an eye there she was. her tiny hands enclasping my wrist, preventing me from moving even an inch. how could this tiny girl be so strong?

"i said spill not shrug your shoulders" she snapped while cheesing. "now talk honey" she said while walking us back toward her bed instead of mine. when we sat down on her bed she released my arm and starred at me intently, waiting for me to talk. she was going to be waiting longer than she thought she was.

i glanced at the alarm clock on my bedside table. about ten minutes had passed already. i got tired of staring at the blank wall on my side of the room while her orbs burning into the side of my face.

"okay okay i'll tell you" i wasnt like she was giving up anytime soon so why not? her grin was from ear to ear as she nodded frantically.


"Soo..." Chris began after I told her the whole story. from start to finish. not once did she stop listening, not even for a second.

"Soo you saved him" i nodded.

"stayed the night with him in his bed. not once but twice" the ground was becoming more and more interesting as she spoke on.

"He seen your butt and he kissed you" she sat blank faced. her brain still registering what I had just told her.

Then a grin broke on her face "when I said kissed I really meant he had his tongue shoved down your throat" she giggled

I pushed at her shoulder as I smiled "his tongue was not down my throat" I smiled at the recent memory of him. I blushed instantly.

"Oh honey your face has the truth written all over it" she grinned. then her smile fell slightly "but be careful with him okay" she was serious now.

"I don't want you getting hurt. even though I just met you" she explained. "and Aiden is known for his bad reputation" her stare fell towards the floor. what all has this boy done for everyone to know him?

I nodded at her "Okay I'll be careful" I agreed.

She smiled and nodded at me before speaking again "so when was the last time you spoke to your boyfriend?" She questioned

Crap I have to call Andrew

I jumped up immediately "I have to call him right now actually" I picked up my phone "I haven't talked to him in a while" I frowned to myself.

"I'm sure he'll understand though, you're busy after all" Chris tried to make me feel better l. not working at all. I hit the dial button.

"Hello ally?" Andrew asked. His voice music to my ears since I hadn't ward it in so long.

"Hey babe" I replied to him happy to hear him.

"Alyssa I've been worried sick about you" he snapped into the phone. "you haven't called me" he whispered. he was hurt.

"I know and I'm sorry I've been really busy, but I was wondering..." I paused to see if he was still listening.

"Yes?" He questioned, urging me to continue.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come visit me this weekend?" I asked. I really did miss him. 'Your actions don't really show it' my conscience snarled while twirling her hair. sometimes I really hate her.

The line fell silent for a while. "yeah I'll come visit you ally" he finally responded. A huge smile broke on my face.

"Really?" I questioned even though I knew he was serious.

"Of course, how about Saturday ?" He asked I could hear a smile on his face too.

"Yeah Saturday is terrific" I beamed at the phone.

"Great, ally I want you to call me everyday from now on even if the call only lasts five minutes" he paused. "but I miss you and can't wait to see you" he finished.

"Okay drew I will, and I miss you too" I responded. I looked at my bed and seen the book, remembering the stupid project.

"Well ally babe I got to go okay I love you" he cooed. Great timing.

"I love you too drew bye" I squealed before hanging up to start on the paper.

I was still shocked that Aiden had brought me this book. what was happening to him? One second he's rude as usual, then he wants to be friends, next he wants to make out. I can't keep up with his mood swings. neither do I want to. i honestly only wanted to be freinds with him.

i was done with the paper in about a good 30 minutes. i was usually never the one procrasinate on a assignment but there i was rushing to finish a paper all because i wanted to help someone. i got my outfit for tomorrow out before taking a quick shower. trying to scrub todays memories away with coconut bodywash and hot water. it didnt help erase a single event.

when i exited the bathroom chris was talking on the phone and giggling a lot. i managed to be really quiet while getting dressed for bed. i brushed my hair and climbed into bed

I grabbed my copy of nineteen minutes and read to myself. I really wasn't one to snoop in on conversations, but I had only seen Chris text never talk on the phone. Let alone giggle like a school girl. So tonight was an exception for me.

Every now and again I would catch a fraction of her sentences. Some sounding like "yeah me too..." or "I love that one, what's your favorite?" after a while I just stopped listening. Then she ended the conversation grinning like a mad woman "okay see you Saturday bye".

I guess my curiosity got the better of me because I ended up asking her who she was talking to out loud. Sometimes I hated my mouth, it was always doing things without my permission. But she didn't seem to fazed by my outburst. It only made her smile more.

"try and guess" she teased. I had no idea who she was talking to. Not one hint.

I shrugged and smiled at her "I don't know tell me" I whined playfully, pouting my bottom lip at her.

She giggled some more "it was Daniel duh ally"

Ohh that would explain those two earlier I thought to myself. "aww that's so cute" I gushed thinking about the two of them earlier. They looked really cute together. She giggled some more and put up her school stuff before getting in her bed. I put my book up and got comfortable under the covers.

"goodnight Chris" I yawned, but when I looked over she was out like a light. I really was exhausted. I made sure my alarm clock was set as usual then went to sleep. I wasn't really prepared to see Aiden tomorrow because who knew what kind of mood he'd be in. guess id just have to wait and see myself.

sorry the chapter was so short it was really more like a filler chapter. Also check out my other stories and follow me. anyways


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