Chapter 4

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The man stumbled towards the bed and I was so scared until I was motionless. This man had a gruff looking face and dark eyes. This scenario had me awfully petrified I was a deer in headlights as he approached me. a terrible memory flooded my thoughts.


I was no older than seven when the assaults started. I remember I would always try to avoid him when he was drunk, I would even result in hiding. "Ally where are you" he cooed hoping it would help me come out of hiding, "come on out" he continued but I knew better.

Mommy was never home so he would take that opportunity to do whatever he pleased to me. I heard his footsteps booming towards my closet door before it swung open. my knees were to my chest as he wobbled towards me.

I cried out when his hand gripped a handful of my hair, yanking me up from the floor. Tried to wiggle out of his grasp but it was no use. "daddy stop please you're hurting me" I cried louder. He slapped me with his unoccupied hand before tossing me to the floor. he knelt down beside my aching body before his rough hands began to try and roam up my nightshirt.

I would slap his hand away from me, but he would continue to harass me. After fighting him, he would shout at me "I've had enough of your bullshit Alyssa" the alcohol radiating off of his breath. then he would and beat me. he would kick, punch, slap whatever it took to leave me broken on the floor. After he thought he'd done enough damage he would stumble out of my room. not glancing back even once.

End of flashback

My horrendous memory was interrupted by a gruff voice and rough hands trailing up my exposed thighs. I let out a scream before kicking the drunk stranger in the chest. "Leave me alone" I screeched, my actions were too slow because he grabbed my ankle with one hand and began to roam my legs with the other. I screamed and thrashed around trying to escape this intoxicated monster but failed miserably. I began to simply stop fighting until I saw the door swing open revealing a pissed looking Aiden. his jaw clenching and unclenching.

"Let go of her" Aiden said closing his eyes briefly "or I'll beat the shit out of you" his eyes flashed open showing pure anger. In seconds Aiden had walked over and ripped the stranger's hands off of me. connecting his fist into his face repeatedly. blood began to ooze from the guy's nose and mouth. Aiden slung his body to the ground, kicking his side until a cracking sound was added to the mix of groans and grunts falling from the drunk bastard's mouth. The cracking sound brought me back to reality and I decided to stop Aiden before he killed the guy. "A-Aiden stop you're going to kill him" I exclaimed grabbing Aiden's shoulder. he threw in a few more kicks before turning around towards me.

His breathing was shallow and rapid as he stared at me. He glanced down at the bleeding guy on the floor and was about to kick him some more but I quickly grabbed his hand an dragged him out of that room and into his.

Both of our breathing was ragged as I closed his door. "Aiden ar-" he cut me off. "it's okay, Alyssa" he took in my shaken state "I'm okay" he added letting out a long raspy breath. his eyes scanned me slowly as if to make sure I was alright as he brushed his hair out of his eyes.

"Are you sure?" I asked regardless of his previous statement. he let out a sigh "yes Alyssa I'm fine" he said motioning his hand toward himself. I nodded as I turned towards his door to leave. "where are you going?" he asked looking concerned as my hand engulfed the doorknob. I looked at him confused "I'm leaving your room" I stated simply.

"No it's" he paused his icy eyes looking at the floor "it's alright you can stay in here for tonight," he said. To say I was shocked was an understatement I was completely bewildered.

"R-really" I stuttered like an idiot "I-I can s-stay in here" he nodded but proceeded to not make eye contact with me. I nodded to myself and made my way to his bed, taking a seat on the edge.

It was an awkward silence. I had no idea what to say, and I'm scared to even think of what he was thinking about. he was so intimidating.

"You can just go to sleep if you want" he kindly offered. I could barely get my words out I whispered a quick "thank you" before getting beneath the covers. He mumbled a quiet "yeah" before pulling his shirt off.

Though I was under the covers, my eyes were glued to his perfectly sculpted torso. Aiden had the perfect body and a gorgeous face. he was sexy perfection.

wait, what was I thinking I had a boyfriend I can't do this to him. Must be the sip if alcohol I drunk, not likely.

I shook my head, turning the opposite direction of him. but my attempts to get his alluring presence away from my eyes backfired once he approached the bed. now directly in front of me.

I shut my eyes as I felt the bed dip in. the heat was radiating off his body, meaning he was too close. I sucked in a sharp breath and backed away from him, getting closer and closer to the edge.

"Ally are you okay?" My eyes flickered open immediately "I mean what happened earlier?" Who was this guy beside me?

"Yeah Aiden I'm fine" the horrid memory flooded my mind "you came before he could do anything" I smiled lightly. He let out a deep breath and nodded.

There was a foot of space between us but, I'm almost certain he could hear my heart thudding against my ribcage. I needed to go to sleep pronto.

I felt Aiden shift a little which made his body a tad bit closer to mine. he was now on his side and not on his back. his eyes were closed, his shaggy black hair in his face, and his lips were parted slightly.

I knew he was worn out even though it wasn't really much of a fight. I wiggled trying to get a little more comfortable. I guess I wiggled too much because Aiden's eyes shot open.

"Are you okay?" He questioned eyeing me tiredly. why was he being so nice all of a sudden?

"Yeah I'm just trying to get comfortable, that's all" I glanced towards him expecting his blue orbs to be covered by his eyelids, but no. his eyes were wide open and studying me.

"I'm sorry for waking you" I whispered loud enough for him to hear me. he let out a quiet yawn "it's fine" he closed his eyes "just, just try to go to sleep" he really was tired. I mumbled an "alright" before shutting my eyes.

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