chapter 12

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Today was the day. No school, no work, no irritations. Unless Aiden decided to show up my subconscious sneers at me. I push the possibility to the furthest space of my brain. I hope he doesn't show up. If he showed up I just knew he'd ruin everything for everyone.

I jumped out of bed, leaving Chris alone since it was the weekend. She could use some extra sleep. I glanced at my phone, I had a new texts from Andrew and Shawn, and an unknown number had called my phone. I opened Andrew and Shawn's messages. They were as eager for today as I was. But I had a horrid feeling that just wouldn't leave about today. I had a terrible feeling that something bad was going to happen.

I left the unknown call alone. Not bothering to return the call. All the people who I talk to are labeled in my contacts. So whoever was calling wasn't important to me clearly. Id call them back eventually but the possibility of the call to be full of bad news filled my mind. I'm not allowing any sort of information disturb my joyful mood. I didn't want ANYTHING to ruin today.

I chose my pink knee-length dress with a black waist belt to go along with it. Topping it off by curling my hair and doing my makeup just as Chris had taught me to do. I went in her closet and borrowed a pair of all black sandals sliding them on. Looking in the mirror I smiled to myself. I looked pretty good to have gotten myself dressed.

I saw something move in the background of the full-length mirror. I ignored it for my own sake. Then it moved again. When I turned around I was met with Chris cheesing to herself. Wide awoke. "you look totally hot babe" she joked winking at me.

I playfully rolled my eyes at her "thank you" I mumbled fumbling with the hem of the dress. "you don't think it's a bit much?" I asked feeling self-conscious all of a sudden. she sighed in the background coming up behind me with a tiny smile.

Even with a bed he'd she managed to look pretty I thought. while I'm standing here looking like a frumpy potato. "no it's perfect you look gorgeous ally" she smiled bigger placing a hand on my back.

"Your boyfriend is a very lucky guy you know that right?" She beamed at me. I raised my eyebrows at her feeling really confused. "huh?" I questioned. hoping she'd elaborate.

Rolling her eyes playfully she explained "Alyssa, look in the mirror. tell me what you see" she commanded. Folding her thin arms across her chest.

I did as told and stared at myself. if I had any good qualities I couldn't see them. all my flaws stuck out at me like a soar thumb. I shrugged my shoulders and put my gaze on the floor.

She huffed from behind me. "Alyssa you're beautiful, nice, smart, responsible, and funny" she said staring at my reflection. "you have many other admirable qualities I'm sure. but I've only known you for about a week and a half so that's all I've got at the moment" she laughed quietly.

"But ask me again in a month or so and I bet my list would be endless. She finished and smiled at me. "now hurry up I'm positive that your boyfriend will be here soon, and I bet Shawn is shaking with excitement" I giggled at her. she was most definitely right. Andrew was always prompt and Shawn couldn't contain his large grin every time I spoke of saturday.

I nodded at her and started gathering the stuff for my purse. When I was done I stopped and sat on my bed clutching onto the item. staring blankly at the wall ahead if me. Chris was in the shower getting ready for her day as well.

Her words were swimming around in my head 'you're beautiful, nice, smart, responsible, and funny' I'm not beautiful, at least in my own eyes. I was only smart and responsible in my point of view. the rest of what she said wasnt quite accurate to me. but hey we are our worst enemy's so I ignored the negativity swarming my mind.

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