Chapter 8

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my eyes shut while gripping the plush cover between my fingers. then an unfamiliar pair of arms snaked around my waist, pulling my back against a firm chest. Only then did realization hit me, he had taken off the black shirt I had put him on. I gasped at his actions. "A-Aiden w-what are you doing?" I asked panic clear in my voice as his face nuzzled in the crook of my neck. His breath fanned across the exposed skin "nothing trying to get some sleep" he answered.

Still squirming trying to get out of his death grip but soon a low groan had escaped his mouth as my backside wiggled against his front. "well can you get some sleep outside of my bubble?" I asked in defeat, my attempts to free myself from his stronghold only causing him to moan out in bliss. Sick bastard. I thought to myself.

"Not exactly" he stated his lips ghosting over my neck as he spoke. "I even hug my pillow in my sleep" he explained, " but the pillow that I usually hug is the one you're sleeping on for the night" he finished pulling me impossibly closer to him. "this is way better than a pillow anyways" I felt him smirk against my skin. I groaned closing my eyes trying to sleep again. Aiden wasn't going to let me go anytime soon so why not sleep?

I let out a shaky breath and Aiden chuckled at my response to the situation. Aiden's arms turned me over so that I was facing him "goodnight Alyssa" he whispered his lips only inches away from mine. I screwed my eyes closed and nodded "yeah good night" I started trying to at least turn back around. my attempts against him still epically failing. I huffed and gave up falling limp after trying to push away from his chest. He chuckled again quietly before falling completely silent. the sick bastard was asleep. this is my chance to get some sleep.

Not too soon afterward did his embrace actually feel comfortable. His arms encased me perfectly. leaving me drifting off into a deep slumber.


"Hey yo Shawn what's her name again?" I heard Adam try to whisper. I groaned and tried to roll over but something was holding me in place. Cracking my eyes open to see Adam smiling down at me from the edge of Aiden's bed, but he didn't know I was awake. I glanced down to see that it was Aiden's arms holding me captive still.

"Sheesh Adam her name is Alyssa I told you this like 12 times now" Shawn complained. "oh thanks, dude, you should come and see this through" Adam stated. I quickly shut my eyes again when I thought Adam was looking.

I heard more footsteps meaning Shawn was now in here. I heard him sigh "I thought I told her to stay away from him" he croaked. I could imagine him running his hands through his hair. Just like Andrew would do in frustrating times.


Guilt consumed me in a matter of seconds. I heard Shawn sigh again then his footsteps pad out of the room not soon after Adam left too. I took the opportunity to try and pry Aiden's arms off of me. he groaned out at my attempts "stop it" he whined.

I scoffed at him opening my eyes fully. "Aiden get off of me" I calmly stated and awaited for his embrace to vanish. "Why? I don't wanna" he continued to complain. I looked over to see him smirking but his eyes were still closed. "please" I said as I pushed at his chest. His eyes shot open as he winced. oh crap. I forgot about how beat up he was.

"I'm sorry, are you okay?" I rambled. a tiny smile littered his face, "yeah I'm fine" he stated "but I'd be better if I were still asleep and you weren't trying to pry my arm off of you" he admitted. I agree if rather be asleep as well but without his arm smothering me.

As if he read my mind he pulled his arm from around my waist. "Thank god" I huffed as I sat up. I threw my legs over the edge of the bed, stretching my limbs. I stood up searching for my phone and shirt. "your arm was suffocating me" I said still searching for the lost items.

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