Chapter 7

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I ran up to the body at lightning speed. Aiden's body was laying face down on the hard New York ground. I could hear his harsh rugged breathing. I immediately flipped him over onto his back so I could see the damage. In response, he groaned.

It was hard seeing the harm that was caused because it was pitch black out here. In fact, I couldn't see a thing. the streetlight didn't reach all the way back here. I dropped Shawn's booklet as I used all of my strength to move Aiden's body at least closer to the light.

When I had finally managed to drag him by his arms towards the dim street light, I got on my knees and rested his head on my lap. I looked at his face. his eyes were screwed shut, I focused on his closed eyes, afraid to look any further down his face. Even though his eyes were kind of busted up too, I knew the rest would be worse. I took in a sharp breath as I continued my observation. Aiden's nose had blood gushing out, his lip had a gash with blood also oozing out. His jaw had a faint shade of purple, he was already bruising.

I lightly touched the bruising skin with the pads of my fingertips. his eyes squeezed tighter and he took in a large breath through his parted lips. I sighed to myself. if his face is this bad I can only imagine how the rest of him looks.

His black hair was a little damp as I pushed it away from his forehead. he squirmed slightly under my gentle actions. his eyes parted, allowing me to see the blue of his eyes only a little. tears welled in my eyes as I saw the gash across his forehead. only then did I notice the trail of blood escaping the wound and dripping onto my exposed thighs.

His eyes opened wider as a tear fell from my eye onto his cheek. Allowing me to see the blue of his shocked eyes. Then I guess reality hit him because he tried to get up. with ease, I pulled his shoulders back so his head fell into my lap so he was laying down again. "A-Alyssa what are y-you doing he-" he stopped mid-sentence and started violently coughing.. as he was coughing specks of blood came out of his mouth. leaving the red substance lingering on his swollen bottom lip.

"Shhhh" I insisted placing a single finger against his lips making him cringe a little. He nodded and I shut his eyes wearily. I need to get him somewhere to check out the rest of his body. Thank goodness his home was right up the sidewalk. I reached into my back pocket getting out my phone. I didn't want to get the police involved so I decided to put matters into my own hands.

I sat his head down on the ground momentarily before getting up. I tucked my hands under his arms and picked him up as much as I could before practically giving up. "c'mon Aiden I can't lift you on my own" I cried out. He let out a grunt and then he moved his legs so that he was almost standing.

I knew he was in pain, probably in more pain than I knew of. so when he was standing on his own I quickly slung his arm over my shoulder. he slumped over lotto me hold up some of his weight. I began to walk back towards the frat house that I'd just left from. We trudged all the way to the frat house. thankfully Aiden was cooperative.

As I managed to get him up the few steps zone the front of the frat house I frantically knocked on the door. Supporting Aiden with only one arm as my tiny fist hit the wooden door. soon the door swung open, Adam standing grinning at me. "just couldn't stay away from me huh" he joked. then his eyes landed on a broken Aiden and my face. "oh shit" is all he said before helping me get Aiden into the house and up to his room.

"What happened" he whispered while laying Aiden on the floor. I shrugged not really sure myself. I grabbed a pillow from his bed and stuck it under his head. he was continuously groaning in pain. "do you need any help?" Adam asked staring at Aiden. I shook my head "no thank I got it" I pushed a frail smile on my face. he nodded before walking out of the room "yell if you need anything" he simply said.

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