Chapter 15

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"What the hell Aiden, why is she only in your shirt?" A voice boomed.

"Was I supposed to let her be uncomfortable?" Another yelled back. The sunlight was burning through my eyelids, I refused to open my eyes. even with them closed there was a aching pain in my head.

"You asshole you didn't take advantage of her did you?" The first voice asked sounding a bit more familiar. Shawn.

"Of course not you dumb ass why would I do that?" The second voice almost whispers sounding hurt.

My mind was completely destroyed. nothing was clear, and I know it'll only be worse when my eyes are actually open.

"I don't want to take advantage of you" a memory from last night echoes.

"Because Aiden, that's something you've done in the past, that's why" Shawn shouted "you remember that right, you bastard?"

It went deadly quiet so I cracked an eye open. aiden had a hurt look plastered on his face. I'm positive that I'm the only one to have seen it, anger soon took over those sad if the look of hurt was never there. How does he do that?

"Shawn shut the fuck up alright" he shouted "I told you I didn't take advantage of her and that's it. leave my past out of this"

I rolled onto my back before sitting up. Just a I suspected, the sunlight burned my eyes. "damn it" I mumbled causing them to hush immediately and stare at me.

My head was pounding and them yelling wasn't really helping. I felt the bed dip in, and there was Aiden to my rescue. right in front of me.

"Good morning" he whispered his minty breath fanned across my face.

"Hi" I whispered back, shocked at how hoarse it sounded.

He chuckled while shaking his head. My head is pounding like someone is taking a sledgehammer and banging it against my head.

His laugh is beautiful and I'm one of the few people to hear it. I glance behind Aiden towards Shawn and give him a shy smile. his lips lift a little but not enough to reach his eyes. I know he's pissed at me and Aiden for sure.

"Want some Advil?" He questions after moments of awkward silence. I wince at how loud his voice seems but I'm sure it's just the hangover taking its natural effect. I look up from the bunched up cover that's still draped over me and look into his eyes.

The sunlight still causing me to squint. His eyes were lit with amusement and and something else unrecognized. I knew he was mentally laughing at my pain so I swatted at his arm playfully.

"Ow what was that for?" He chuckled. holding his arm as if it actually hurt.

I rolled my eyes at him and another unknown emotion coated them. "I know you're laughing at me sir. And it's not funny" I giggled. "And yes I'd like some Advil please" his eyes had darkened since I had rolled my eyes at him. his lips twitched into a grin when I called him sir. what is that about?

"It is quite amusing to watch" he argued to which I rolled my eyes again.

He let out a quiet groan and closed his eyes "please stop rolling your eyes" he whispered. before getting up to get my medicine.

As he was walking away i deliberately rolled my eyes in spite of him. when he returned his eyes were still dark and he had a grin plastered across his face.

"i know you rolled your eyes again ally and im here to let you now its a nasty habit that does sometimes come with consequences" he whispered as he handed me the two blue gel capsules and a bottle of water. i looked up at him questioningly but he ignored me.

Shawn was still in the doorway looking pissed as ever. his face was still bright red, you'd think it'd returned to normal color by now, but no his anger was still a vibrant shade of red.

it isn't like Shawn not to speak so he must be mad at me too. i don't really understand him at times. i am a grown adult so i can make my own decisions. especially about who i associate with.

i know its because he cares about me, and that he knows what aiden is really like but...this is a risk im willing to take. i truly believe that aiden isn't as bad as he seems.

"or at least what you're trying to prove" my subconscious sneers at me. which i desperately try to ignore.

breaking my train of though Shawn cleared his throat and spoke up "ally i'll call you later alright?" he said as more of a question than a statement. but i nodded and gave him a tiny smile anyway, in which he returned.

as soon as Shawn's presence was completely gone i was pinned sown into the mattress. wrists beside my head as aiden hovered over me. a wide grin on his face. oh how i love this fun playful aiden. i thought to myself while i fought the intense urge to giggle.

he nuzzeled his face in the crook of my neck and made his way down to my shoulder. kissing the little bit of exposed skin his shirt showed.

"wanna go somewhere with me today?" his breath fanned across my shoulder as he spoke. i honestly didn't know what to say. my mind instantly started going through the pros and cons of his question.

i do want to go with him wherever it may be. but its aiden taking me so of course there is going to be little doubt in my head. but...i really want to get to know aiden a bit better as well...

"i'll go" i exhaled

his face lit up and he tried to hide the grin that was slowly breaking across his face. "really, you'll go with me?" him questioning me made me a little more uneasy. but i nodded anyway.

"yes aiden i'll get off of me" i confirmed while pushing at his chest causing him to roll over but not without him pulling me with him. reversing our positions.

my hair veiling around us. blocking out everything but he and i not knowing what to do i gently bit my bottom lip.

his eyebrows raised questioningly at me before he closed the space between our faces. this kiss was more forceful than the others we'd had. his hand grabbed my hips, squeezing them  before letting go.

"come on lets go get you on some real clothes" his breath fanned across my face

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