Chapter 14

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"You like that don't you, you worthless slut" he slurred as his hands crept further and further up my thigh. I tried to tell and tell him to stop, but nothing came out.

Mommy would never let him do this to me. I should tell her but he won't let me. I screamed for mommy to help but his hand was covering my mouth, leaving me completely helpless as he violated me.

He smelled of cheep alcohol and smoke. after he was done with all the touching, he'd beat me. I usually got used to it. but this time was different. instead of the hands of my so called father they were Andrews. His eyes dark as he raised his hand up once more to hit me. I braced myself for the impact and shrieked but it didn't seem loud enough for anyone to her so I took another shot at it...


I finally screamed loud enough and someone actually came to my rescue. "no don't touch me. no stop it" I repeated over and over swatting my arms for defense. hand grasped my wrists not tightly but enough to stop me.

"Shhhh Alyssa calm down" a soothing voice cooed. I was still whimpering 'don't touch me' with my eyes closed afraid of what or who I might see..

Whoever it was had tightened their grip on my wrists beside my head. I squeezed my eyes even tighter. "Ally look at me its okay" the calm voice said more sternly making me open my eyes. Aiden was hovering over me grasping my wrists tightly beside my head. His eyes looked pained and concerned. tears weld in my eyes as I looked back up at him.

Another whimper left my parted lips and a tee crept it's way down my cheek. and then I was no longer on the bed. Aiden had flipped us so that I was sitting in his lap as he held me. my head against his bare chest while his strong arms encircled my body. I felt safe in his arms.

I sobbed there while he soothingly rubbed my back. every now and then he'd whisper "it's alright". he was rocking us side to side. as the process continued in my sobs became less and less until they stopped altogether.

Aiden was here comforting me, I was in his arms. I was safe.

My Mind was reeling, why was he helping me? How can it be that this gorgeous disaster is the one to comfort me at a time like this.

I haven't had one of those dreams in ages. but of all the terrible dreams I've had, that was by far the worst.

because the rough hands didn't belong to an unloving, drunk, and possibly high father. they belonged to andrew, the one who is supposed to love, support, and cherish me unconditionally.

But no. If it weren't for Aiden my nightmare would've been a reality. I would've been violated by someone who was supposed to care for me, in a bowling alley. if it weren't for this bipolar guy that I can't seem to stay away from no matter how many warning signs I see.

Sometimes I wonder if this is the same guy who was constantly rude to me, or does he have a twin. I'm most certain that is him. but his mood swings are so vigorous until he seems like a totally different person sometimes.

I've only known him for a short while,but it seems as if I've known him forever in a since. though I actually know nothing about him really.

"You okay ally" he questioned while tilting my chin up so he could see my face. his blue eyes shining vibrantly even in the darkness. he really was a stunning thing to behold.

I nodded at him but he only shook his head at me "no Alyssa speak I need to hear you say you're okay" he explained.

His eyes burned into mine becoming intense.
"I-I'm fine Aiden really" my voice sound frail. my head is pounding. probably because of how much I drunk. I cuddled up in his lap more.

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