Chapter 5

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 I felt someone tapping my shoulder. The light tapping turned into violent shakes. "wake up, hey Amy wake up" someone said only loud enough to partially wake me up. "five more minutes" I groaned before memories of last night flooded my head causing me to sit up.

I opened my eyes and was met with Aiden's blue ones. "get up classes begin in 30 minutes and I don't think you want to be late" He said. I nodded my head before getting out of the bed.

I stretched my body and straightened my dress. while making my way towards the door. "thank you for everything" I hazily smiled at him. "yeah no problem" he said with no emotion. the real Aiden was back.

I quickened my sleepy pace down the hall opening every door looking for Chris. I found her in another abandoned room sprawled out on the bed. "Chris get up" I yelled as I tugged on her ankles. she groaned and rolled over on her back. Making her already messy blonde tangle behind her head.

"No leave me alone" she mumbled while swatting at the air. "go away" she continued assaulting the air. "Chris we got to get ready classes began in about 28 minutes now" I almost cried. he wasn't getting up fast enough. I can't be late on my first day.

That made her get up a great deal faster. her blonde hair was a complete mess and get eyes were barely open. she stood up grabbing her keys and phone off a small table beside the bed and picked her heels up from the floor, making her way to the door. She tossed me the keys when we got to the bottom of the stairs. "you have to drive" she stated still half asleep.

We were back to our dorm in less than five minutes. as soon as I parked the car I jumped out and ran to our room.

I quickly showered brushing my hair into a ponytail and threw on a white sweater, skinny jeans, and my tan sperrys.

Throwing on my jacket I rushed out the door.

I made it to my English class a little early and to my surprise, Shawn was there also sitting in the front row. He noticed my presence and quickly smiled at me. "ally hey you made it" he continued to smile at me "and you're early" he added

"Yeah I thought I'd be late so I rushed to get ready," I said sighing. we both chuckled "you don't look like you rushed at all" he stated. we continued to chat as the class started to fill up. "So what do you have planned for the weekend?" I asked. his eye seemed to light up at the simple question "me and my girlfriend, Ashley is spending the weekend together since she doesn't go to this school" he beamed.

"What about you though?" He asked. I hadn't really planned anything for the weekend. "I might call my boyfriend and see if he'll spend the weekend with me, it'll be fun" I smiled. the thought hit me, I hadn't called Andrew last night. I hope he'd understand.

"Sounds good, we should have a double date or something" we smiled at each other then a crowd of students came into the classroom but one of them stunned me completely, Aiden was in this class. when he spotted me he smirked at me and shook his head to himself. The sweet Aiden from last night was gone.

The only seat left in the class was beside me. great. he took the seat next to me and didn't say a word which I was happy about.

The first day was a blur. "hey ally wait up" I heard someone call. I turned around and seen Shawn jogged up to me holding a familiar red notebook. "you left this" he said handing me the notebook. "thanks, so where you headed for lunch?" I asked I was starving. since I was rushing I didn't get a chance to eat.

We continued to walk down the hall "I don't know how about that sandwich shop that's right across the street" he offered. "yeah sounds good" I smiled before my arm was yanked. making me stumble backward.

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