chapter 16

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I nodded at him like a deer stuck in headlights.he only chucked and sat up, grabbing my hips, he slung his legs over the edge and got up. Carrying me with him towards his bathroom. Setting me down on the counter he turned the shower on for me.

"Go ahead and shower up, I'll have some clothes for you by the time you get done" he explained where my towel and rag were and left.

Jumping down I looked in the mirror to see my reflection.i didn't look too bad,  my face was just bright red and my hair a mess. Stripping out of my clothes I hopped into the steaming shower. Letting the hot water cascade over me.

Memories from the night before running through my mind. Not letting me forget a single moment, not that I'd actually want to.

I heard the bathroom door open but I didn't even flinch because the  shower curtain shielded my exposed body from whoever it was. I continued to shower as I squirted some of Aidens body wash onto the rag that he had given me earlier.

I had just began to wash my arms when the black shower curtain pulled back revealing a  completely naked aiden. I quickly turned around hoping that he hadn't seen my naked body. I heard him chuckle to himself before mumbling something. I was completely frozen, kinda like 'if I don't move maybe he won't see me' type of thing.

Out of the corner of my eyes I saw him grab his rag before asking for me to pass him the body wash. I mentally shrugged and handed him his body wash. I continued to wash myself until I felt something on my back.

Aiden somehow had gotten my wash cloth and was washing my back for me. And I was letting him. His circular motion relaxing me. His path went from my back to down my arms as he left a trail of bubbles going from my shoulder to my hands. Touching me as if I was made of porcelain.

Once done with what he could do from behind he gently turned my body so that I was facing him. His eyes never leaving mine. Slowly he raised his hands to begin to wash my exposed chest. Washing each breast at an extremely slow pace. So slow until my breathing was hitched in my throat and my legs were beginning to shake. He then trailed the cloth over my stomach going just as slow as he had been going. The hot water now soaking my hair and streaming down my back.

I tilted my head back and shut my eyes. Living in the feel of his touch. My mind was hazy and screaming 'this is wrong' but I didn't care. I felt the cloth leave my abdomen and my eyes shot open at the lack of contact. Then a different contact was made when he slowly back me against the shower wall. The cold tiles sending chills up my spine. He didn't leave an inch of space, we were chest to chest. Skin to skin.

I looked up at him and his expression was unreadable. My hands found a way up to the wet hair that had fallen in his face. Pushing it out of the way, letting my hand linger in the softness of his dark hair. His eyes shut momentarily as he leaned into my touch. Then his eyes opened almost as slowly as he washed me. He bent his head down so that he was leveled with me then he kissed my forehead. A simple action that took my breath away. I heard him laugh lowly before pushing himself impossibly closer to me. He kissed my eyelids then moved down to my lips.

The kiss was just as the one last night, slow and sweet. My lips moved perfectly with his as my hands fell from his hair and moved to his shoulders. Gripping  onto him for dear life. In the time my tongue had slipped into his mouth at which he groaned. He broke contact with my  mouth and moved to my neck, right below my ear. I sucked in a sharp breath of air and my knees temporarily gave out. At which he immediately caught me and lifted my body signaling for me to wrap my legs around his waist. During his lips never left my neck.

I tugged on his hair and he sucked harder biting and nipping at the sensitive skin. I moaned when gently licked the assaulted  skin. He stopped and just rested his head on my shoulder letting  silence and splashing  water surround us. My breathing was ragged, coming out in short puffs. We stayed like for what seemed like forever before he sat me down on my feet again.

I was confused when he continued to cleanse me. Not in a sexual way just washing me as I would myself. When he was done he grabbed the shower head and rinsed me off. I smiled  lightly at him before grabbing his cloth and doing the same to him, just without the temporary make out session. When I was done rinsing him off. We both got out. He handed me a fluffy lavender towel and I securely wrapped it around myself.

When I turned around I lost my train of thought when I saw his towel hanging  dangerously low on his hips. While in the shower I didn't dare look down even when I washed him. I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

He smirked "I guess you like what you see huh?" He arrogantly questioned.

I rolled my eyes at him before remembering what I was going to ask "where are the clothes you said you had for me?"

"You know I think you look great in just the purple towel, I don't really think you need those clothes" he stated

"Aiden please.."

"Or I could just simply take the towel..."


"You're sexy in that towel I can only imag..."

"AIDEN WHERW ARE THE FUCKING CLOTHES" I finally snapped making him double over in laughter. I'm sure I was bright red and it had almost nothing to do with how warm it was in here. I frustratedly ran my tiny hand through my wet hair.

He chuckled a bit more before composing himself enough to say "they're on my bed" while wiping away tears.

Rolling my eyes again I made my way out of the bathroom to get dressed. On his bed was a plain white shirt,  black leggings, and bra and panties. The bra and panties were still brand new with tags attached to both. Sliding into the clothes I went to the mirror on the back of his door to examine myself. And sure enough the bastard had left a bright red mark on my neck.

"AIDEN WHAT THE HELL..." I yelled while throwing my head back at which he laughed, I guess he knew why I was screaming. When he emerged from the bathroom he was laughing as he made his way towards me.

"Aiden why'd you do this" I asked motioning to the bright red hickey on my neck.

His eyes made contact with it before a smirk took over his face again. "I think it's hot" he simply stated, to which I rolled my eyes again. Just as I thought he was about to go finish getting dressed he bowed his head to my neck and kissed the mark before running off.

How the hell was I supposed I cover this?

After pacing around his room I gave up and flopped in his bed, dozing off. in the meanwhile, dreaming of ways I should murder him.


"Amy" a velvet voice cooed

"Alyssa.." It cooed again

"Baby time to get up" it said a bit more stern than the ones before causing me to slowly open my eyes. I was met with aidens beautiful face inches away from mine. I rolled over and rubbed my eyes before sitting up.

"Morning sleeping beauty we got plans today remember? It's about time to go" he said a light smile playing on his lips.

I nodded sleepily an he sighed as he grabbed my hands pulling me up into a standing position. I wobbled form side to side and he bent down to pick me up bridal style. He carried me all the way to his car unlocking my door before placing me inside and putting on my seatbelt. I snuggled into the warm leather seat.

"I'll just wake you when we get there so that you can finish out your rest" he stated as he brought the engine to life. I nodded before completely falling back to sleep.

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