Chapter 6

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My alarm clock blared in my ears making me get up in an instant. In the corner of my eyes Chris was stirring around, I guess I woke her up too. I stretched myself out and sat on the edge of my bed. Then a flashing blue light caught my attention.

I grabbed my phone and seen that Andrew had texted me. He knew how early I woke up when it came to school. I usually woke up three hours earlier than the actual time school started. so in this case I woke up about 6:45.

*hey babe I hope you have a good day today*

It was a simple and sweet message and a smile appeared just reading it. but then again, Andrew has always been a sweet person. We have been dating since freshman year in high school, but even before then we had been really close friends. so when we started dating not many people were surprised. I knew everything about Andrew and he knew everything about me. even my haunting past.

I needed to text him back but I had to get dressed first or I'd get absorbed in my phone. I quickly got up and showered deciding to change my usual attire a bit. so instead of my usual jeans I put on my black skater skirt and a plain white v-neck. throwing on the sandals Chris let me have. I applied a little make up, grabbed my bag, and headed out the door.

I texted Andrew on my way to English telling him how I hoped he had a great day as well, that I loved him, and I'd call him after my class.

I found my seat from yesterday next to Shawn. his eyes were glued on his journal as he scribbled down what I'm guessing is yesterday's assignment. "Hey Shawn" I said as I took my seat. his eyes flickered to me as he smiled. "hey ally how's it going?" He asked, his eyes drifting back to the notes he was jotting down.

"I'm fine what about you" I responded. I'm in an awfully good mood today, but I have no reason to be. "I'm good, I'm just trying to finish our journal entry from yesterday" he explained. I nodded and took out my things for class.

As Shawn was finishing up Aiden had came in. like me, he too sat in the same seat from yesterday even though the classroom was practically empty at the moment.

"Hey am- I mean ally" Aiden said while turning to look at me a slight smile playing in his lips. I sighed but decided to be nice to him, "good morning Aiden" I gleefully smiled at him. his icy blue orbs seeming brighter with the sunlight beaming through the windows that surrounded the classroom.

His grin widened at my cheerful reply "I didn't think you'd respond" he admitted "but I'm glad you did" he said still staring at me. I scoffed a little but remained polite towards him, "why wouldn't I speak you you Aiden?" I questioned while starting on today's entry that was on the board, so that I had something else to occupy my mind.

I glanced over at Shawn to see he was looking at Aiden as if he were trying to figure something out. I continued to write about my favorite novel and why it had been my favorite but a voice broke me out of my writing. "so ally what are you doing after class?" A question I would expect from Shawn but it was Aiden asking it. weird. I stopped writing about the Jane Austen novel and looked over at him to see he was intently looking at me.

I shrugged and sat my pen down "nothing I guess" I truthfully replied. Aiden grinned and continue to talk "so do you want to grab lunch together?" He asked and I looked at him confused. he chuckled at my confused state and started talking again "if you'd like Shawn can come as well, I just want to get to know you better" he finished and was waiting for my answer.

My mouth was partially open as I studied him. was he bipolar or something. but if this was the nice Aiden again I'll take it. I nodded and picked up my pen, glancing over at Shawn to see confusion plastered all over his face. I mouthed 'I'll tell you later' to him and he nodded.

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