chapter 17

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I woke up to the sunlight coming and going; the light burning through my eyelids. When I opened my eyes completely it was obvious to why the light was acting as a strobe light. We were on a road that had y'all looming trees. Branches out stretched and were interfering with the endless supply of sunshine that was shining so bright.

The the brief moments of the warm sun slightly heated my face. Causing me to relax more into the seat.

"I see I don't have to wake you up anymore" aidens voice said sounding slightly amused, making me peer over at him.

Sure enough he had a classic grin faintly taking over his face.  A smile made a way onto my face at the sight. The car ride was silent but oddly not awkward, just quiet.

The road we were on seemed pretty never ending because not once in the ten minuets I had been up had we made a single turn. However the scenery outside the window had began to change from trees to fewer trees and the sand appeared to look more like rock. Sitting up further I looked out the window trying to extend my line of vision. We were getting higher up.

Th higher I noticed we got the more uneasy I felt. I was terrified of heights, not that I would ever admit that to aiden. Instead I just cleared my throat in attempt to shake off my anxiety, "uh aiden where exactly did you say we were going?" I questioned in hopes he wouldn't catch on to my little trick.

He glanced over briefly and continued to stare into the road that seemed to be following the sun. "You're not so cunning Amy," he said chuckling making me roll my eyes "I never told you where we were going, but nice try" he finished and grabbed my hand momentarily as if he could sense my unease.

I sighed and laughed "well it was worth a try"

My nerves were completely restless now. We were getting higher and higher and it seemed like the roads were becoming more narrow. What's worse is there seemed to be no curves on the winding roads. On top of it all he wouldn't tell me where we were going. 

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