Chapter 9

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When I sat the phone back on the table my gaze stayed on the floor. not wanting to look at Aiden at the moment. I cleared my throat and started looking for the stupid shirt again. just as my phone was, there was my shirt on the floor near his door. But this time instead of giving full view of my backside, I crouched down to retrieve the material.

I tugged the material over my head not caring if it messed up my hair. Im surely positive it was already messed up anyways. Who cared, I had nowhere important to go. my phone was charged enough and the awkwardness in the air was so thick you could cut it with a knife. My signal to go home.

Walking towards the door I heard Aiden sigh. my hand wrapped around the doorknob ready to leave when his voice stopped me.

"bye Alyssa" he spoke quietly while his back was still towards me.

I opened my mouth to respond but he beat me to it. "I guess I'll see you around" he finished and turned around to face me. he gave me a small crooked smile. His infamous eyes brighter than they were moments ago. my eyes lingered on his lips for a minute then up to his hair that was not to long ago fisted in my hands. I blushed instantly.

"Yeah bye Aiden" I choppily replied before twisting the knob to exit the room before returning his smile. Rushing down the stairs someone called my name "Alyssa wait". I turned around to see Shawn jogging down the stairs. "wait for me too" I heard Adam call, not far behind Shawn.

Soon Shawn and Adam were standing in front of me. "hey guys" I smile at them. Adam returned my smile but Shawn only starred at me. I sighed and Adam only smiled more, glancing over at Shawn before turning away.

The padding of footsteps were right behind me. "Ally slow down" a voice called out causing me to halt momentarily. I didn't even have to turn around to know it was Shawn. He was acting all weird and it was bothering me.

Once he has caught up I began to walk again towards the door. outside the fidget January wind blew my hair around. Trying to hurry along because my skirt wasn't meant for the current temperature. Somehow Shawn managed to keep up with my fast pace, but not once did he speak a word to me.

He was humming along to a familiar tune but I couldn't put my finger on it. It was eating me alive not to ask him the name of the song. But I refused to be the first to speak. typical stubborn me. then he spoke.

"Why?" His voice barely audible.

I stopped walking and turned towards him. he was looking at the cement beneath our feet. What did he mean?

"Why what?" I raised my eyebrows in confusion.

He let out an exhausted sigh "I thought I told you to stay away from him" his voice sounded distant as he spoke. When he looked up his green orbs were filled with a pained emotion.

"I know but Shawn I couldn't just leave him unconscious in a alley" I countered. I already knew Aiden was terrible association. I didn't need someone constantly nagging at me about how bad he was.

"I know ally but-" he shook his head. his blonde hair was a mess. He looked completely stressed out. His eyes returned back to the ground "I don't know just be carful" he asked now looking at me pleadingly "please" his green orbs had softened.

The wind was still tossing my auburn hair along. I was only helping Aiden. why was Shawn so concerned? I nodded and continued to walk down the sidewalk.

Shawn walked me to my dorm and I invited him inside. Chris as normal, was sitting on her bed, but this time she wasn't on her phone. she looked like she was studying.

When she heard the door open her head whipped up from her textbook and she smiled at me. "there you are" she squeaked, making me giggle at her.

"Hey Chris, you remember Shawn right?" I motion towards Shawn standing behind me in the doorway. She nodded and smiled at him "yeah I remember him, how's it going?" She asked him.

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