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Your Perspective: Present Day.

"Oh, c'mon Aaron. Why won't you talk to me?" you said. 

He refused to continue your conversation in the car. At dinner, he made two attempts to change the subject, which you rejected. You continued to press him about Spencer.

"Y/N, I truly don't know what you want from me. Spencer knew we were on a date. Clearly, he knew where we were. If I didn't tell him, how would he have known?" Hotch replied.

You thought for a moment. You had been trying to figure out other explanations for Spencer's odd appearance and behavior. You had ruled out Penelope. Spencer never was very tech savvy. The chances of him tracking you without professional help were slim to none. There really were no other options other than Aaron telling him. 

"I don't know, that's why I'm asking you!"

"Look," he said, leaning across the table to get closer to you. "Spencer is your best friend. You two know everything about each other. I told him I wanted to pursue you and told him my plan for our date. He thought it was a great idea. That's how he knows. I can't tell you why he's acting so weird, though, cause I don't know either."

And there you have it. Finally, the two of you were having a productive conversation. 

"That's really-" you paused. "Considerate. Thank you for telling me."

"Of course. Now can we please stop talking about Reid? He's not exactly the most romantic subject."

You nodded and laughed. 

Dinner was amazing. "You know, I've had so much trouble finding a good Mexican place in Quantico. Thanks for bringing me here," you said. Hotch made a weird face at that comment. You didn't know why, so you ignored it.

Afterwards, Hotch brought you home. He walked you to your doorstep. You kissed him goodnight, thus ending the first of dozens of dates to come.


Time flew by after that first date. Aaron filled out a form officially stating that you two were romantically involved. Surprisingly, Strauss let you stay on the team. You would just be closely monitored, and were asked to keep PDA out of the office.

You and Reid stopped talking. He would smile at you as you entered work and bring you coffee sometimes, but you never hung out alone outside of work or even texted. He became a distant memory as you dedicated more and more of your time to Aaron.

You had made the choice to take sex off the table for the first month of your relationship. Aaron agreed to this, and thought your idea of setting a strong foundation before becoming intimate was a good one. 

After a month, things were so perfect, you didn't want to muddy things up by having sex. He reluctantly agreed, saying that your happiness was more important that anything else. Another month went by, and you two had still not consummated your relationship.

But tonight, you would change that. 

a/n: The time has come, so strap in everybody. (If you're uncomfy reading smut, just skip over this part!)

The two of you were going to dinner at that same Mexican restaurant where you had your first date together. It was an extremely pleasant hour and a half, where you each had a drink and enjoyed the delicious food. After, Hotch drove back to his place, to watch a movie like you had planned. At least, that's what he thought you were doing.

Constantly Rejected- Hotch x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now