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After your night with Spencer, Hotch hadn't really crossed your mind. This, of course, changed as soon as your returned to work.

He stood in front of your desk, waiting for you to come in. You stopped in the doorway, staring at him as he motioned for you to follow him. He walked back towards his office and you dropped your things at your desk. You caught a quick glance at Spencer, who was looking at you, obviously stressed out for what was to come.

You followed Hotch to his office, and promptly closed the door behind you.

"Take a seat," he sighed.

"What, not going to pick me up and come onto me today, boss?" you retorted, anger and sarcasm reflecting themselves in your voice. 

"That's why I called you in here. We need to talk about this."

"I agree."

"No, we do-" he began. "Wait, you want to talk about it?"

"Of course I do. It's important that we clear things up so this doesn't effect our work performance."

"Then why did you ignore my calls all weekend? This could have been discussed outside of work." He was angry now, annoyed with you for giving him the silent treatment.

"I was with Spencer," you said firmly, hoping his mind went straight to the worst.

"What were you doing with Reid?"

"We're friends, Hotch. Really good friends. We went star gazing together. It was quite romantic, if I'm being honest." You wanted to exaggerate your time with Spencer. To make Hotch think you two were together. 

He grumbled, and than sat silent for a minute. "Are you two... like, a thing?"

"I don't know, boss. What difference does it make to you?" you grinned as you spoke, hoping to get a rise out of Hotch. The last thing to cross your mind was Reid's feelings about this. You didn't even question how he'd feel about being used as a pawn in your chess game with Aaron. You were being selfish. You didn't care.

"The difference is that I would never try and ruin a relationship between my coworkers. If you two are together, though, it needs to be reported to me immediately so we can evaluate your positions on this team."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means, if you are dating Spencer, I have to know now, officially, so I can transfer one of you out of the BAU. You know that relationships between agents on the same team are strictly prohibited. So, are you dating Reid?"

You had to make a decision, quick. Were you going to lie and risk yours or Spencer's jobs just to make Hotch jealous? No, that's absurd. But what would he think of you if you told him you were lying?

"No. We're not together. We went star gazing, as friends. I was upset after our... altercation, and he and I got lunch. We ended up hanging out for the rest of the day. I didn't pick up your calls or answer your texts because I didn't want to speak to you."

"I'm glad you're opening up to me about this," Hotch said, nodding his head.

"What are you, my fucking therapist?" you spat, louder and angrier than intended.

"What, Y/N, no, I just think it's important we get our feelings out on the table."

"Yeah, well, I don't have to talk to you about this. Not at work." You stood up and stormed out of his office, slamming the door as hard as you could. He followed suit, opening the door and calling your name, firm and powerful, and you could tell you had just gotten yourself into deep shit.

Constantly Rejected- Hotch x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now