The Club

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"Hey, it's me," you said.

"Yeah, caller ID," the other person responded, forcing out a laugh.

"Look, Emily," you began, "I'm having a really rough time being alone. Could I come over?"

"Uh, well," it sounded like Emily had pulled away from the phone, muffling the microphone with her hands. You could hear mumbled voices on the other side, but couldn't make our what they were saying. "I'm out with the team right now, we finished a local case today."

"Oh, that was fast, I've only been out, what, three days?"

"Yeah, we just got lucky, I guess."

You could hear a loud "woooo!" from the other side. JJ.

"Sounds like you guys are doing well without me. I guess I'm not that essential to the team."

"No, c'mon! Just lucky, is what I said. We all miss you, but I- I'm not sure if it's the best idea for you to join us."

"I understand. Have fun, Emily."

You went to hang up, but you could hear a "wait!" come through the speaker. You brought the phone back to your ear.

"Yeah?" you asked.

"Hey, Y/N, it's Spencer." 

Emily shouted, "Reid, give it back!" You could picture him holding her off with one hand. Reid could never beat Emily in a fight. He was destined to lose any second now.

"Spencer, why do you have her phone?"

"Come out and see us, Y/N! We miss you! I miss you."

"Spence, I think she's right. I'm supposed to be staying away. Clearing my head."

"Clear your head with alcohol! I can come pick you up, if you'd like. I haven't been drinking."

"Well," you stalled as you toyed with the idea, "What does Hotch think about it?"

"Let me get him for you!" Spencer said happily.

"Give! Me! My! Phone!" Emily yelled.

"Hotch here. Come out. It'd be nice to see you."

"That settles it then, tell Reid I'll be ready when he gets here."

You hung up, and began getting ready immediately. 

In the thirty minutes it took Spencer to arrive at your door, you had showered, done your makeup, and gotten dressed. You waited by the door and opened it as soon as you heard the first knock. 

"Hi, Y/N!" Spencer said happily.

"Let's go!" you replied. You didn't bother greeting him back, you were just too excited to get out of the house and see your friends. 

In the car, he told you about the case they had just finished. Four men murdered and left in parked cars on the side of the road. The cars were the secondary location. Reid ended up finding a partial print on one of the car doors, which they matched and caught the guy who did it.

"It was a really easy case," he said. "You would've been bored."

As he pulled into a parking space, he turned to you, a very serious look on his face. "Hey, Y/N?" he asked. 

"What's up, Spence?"

"Well, there's- you may not like something you see in there. Just, keep your temper under control, okay?"

You were confused, but you came out to get wasted, not angry. "Sure, Spence. Whatever you say."

You were bombarded by a very ecstatic Garcia as you entered the club. "Y/N! I've missed you so, so, so, so much!" She wrapped you in a very tight hug.

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