Just Another Dream*

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Aaron Hotchner's hands lightly touched every inch of your body. He sent a chill up your spine, making you shiver with pleasure. You were sat in the front seat of his car, the both of you. In his lap, you moved your hips in circles, grinding against his crotch. 

He kissed your lips, cheeks, neck, and chest before stopping at your bra. You couldn't wait for him any longer, taking it off yourself. You could see the pleasure in his eyes as his pupils dilated at the sight of your breasts. You sped up your pace as you moved your hips.

"Oh, Y/N," Hotch moaned.



You jolted awake as Spencer shook you at your shoulders. "Y/N! Wake up, we're here." 

Ugh. Just another dream.

"Oh, geez. How long was I out?" you asked, checking your watch.

"The whole time," Reid began, "but that's okay. Once I finished my books, I worked on my chess moves. I wasn't bored or lonely or anything." He looked down at his shoes, probably to hide the fact that he was slightly blushing. "It doesn't matter. We have to go now." 

"Come on, people, we've got a case to solve!" Morgan yelled as he pushed you and Spencer down the aisle and out the door of the jet. 

You gathered outside, the team in a circle with Hotch leading the discussion. 

"We've got clues on a suspect, according to an anonymous tip received by the local police department. Male, mid to late 40s. Said to live with his mother, his father died when he was young. Probably arrested at least once for domestic abuse. Y/N, could you call Garcia and see if there are any matches?" 

You nodded, and stepped away to pull out your phone. 

It rang once before Garcia picked up. "'Sup sugar?" she said, in her sweet and peppy voice.

"Hey, Penelope. We're looking for men in El Paso in their mid 40s. Lives with his mom, dad dead since he was a child. At least one arrest for domestic abuse."

There were some typing sounds from the other side of the line, before Garcia said, "10 matches. Anything else you got to help narrow it down?" 

"Hold on, let me ask Hotch." You walked over to your boss, placing your hand around the speaker of the phone to talk to him. "Sir?" you began. He turned his attention to you. His eyes stared deep into yours, and you almost forgot what you were there for. "Uh, Garcia wants to know if there's anything else we've got to help eliminate possible subjects. There's only 10 now, so it's not unmanageable, but anything helps."

He shook his head and then looked back at Reid and Morgan. "You guys got anything?"

"Well, it's likely that this man is uneducated, dropping out of high school early on. He probably works low wage jobs, with little time off. That would explain why all the murders seem so rushed, he might have been between shifts," Spencer stated. You nodded, and he smiled with satisfaction. 

"Alright, Garcia, I've got a little more for you. Our unsub might have dropped out of high school a year or two in, and works more than one low wage job. Fast food restaurants, clothing stores, hey- that might give him easy access to young women." 

"Good thinkin', you smart cookie! Let me work my magic!" your friend responded. She made you giggle a bit as she searched her data bases for a heinous killer. "Bingo! One match- Joseph Argon. Male, lives with mom. 46 years old, worked stock at Forever 21. Yuck, who'd hire that guy? Arrested twice for the assault of one Casey Rogers. Two black eyes and a broken arm. I'll send both of their addresses to you, buttercup!" 

"Thanks, Penelope, you're a lifesaver!" You hung up the phone, walking back to the team with your new information. "Alright, folks, I think we've got our guy. Joseph Argon, 46 year old male that works at Forever 21. I thought that he might work at a clothing store, lots of young shoppers, easy prey. He was arrested twice for assaulting a Casey Rogers. Garcia sent me both of their addresses, I'll forward them to you guys." 

"Nice work, Y/L/N. Let's get going! Let's visit the girlfriend's house first." Hotch announced. 

Morgan nudged your shoulder. "Good thinking, baby girl!" 

You rode to Rogers' house with Hotch and Spencer. Why does it have to be the both of them? I should've gone with Emily and Morgan. There wasn't much talking done on the way there, until Spencer broke the silence. "So, Y/N, how'd you come up with the clothing store thing?"

"Well, boy genius, I was listing low income work places and that one crossed my mind. It was the obvious choice. I'm actually surprised you didn't come up with it," you replied.

"Actually, the thought did cross my mind, but I wanted you to be the one to figure it out."

"Oh, did you really, Spence? Did you really?" you responded, a heavy note of sarcasm in your voice.

"Enough, you two. We're here" Hotch interrupted. The authority in his voice was the most attractive part about him. 

You pulled up to the girl's house alongside Morgan's car. Morgan and Emily were going to wait in the car, while you, Hotch, and Spencer went to the door. Aaron looked nervous, an emotion you never saw him have. You wished you were closer to him, so he would tell you what was wrong. There must've been a look of great concern on your face, because Spencer came up behind you. In his softest voice, he asked, "Are you okay, Y/N?"

"Yeah, yeah, Spence. Thank you. I'm fine." 

He nodded, and you could tell he didn't believe you. "I'll protect you, Y/N. Even if you don't want me to."


Authors Note: hi guys! kind of long chapter. it's just filler really, nothing too special. i've never written a case before, i hope im not doing too bad. i really liked penelope in this chap, shes so sweet. i hope im capturing the characters right, im trying my best.

if anyone sees this, please vote and comment! validation is tasty :)

have a good night/day/whatever! 

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