Breakfast and Revenge

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Your Perspective: Present Day

You rolled over to see Hotch on his stomach, his face buried in his pillow. You looked at his back, only half covered by the sheets. He had a really nice back.

You planted a kiss on his shoulders, but he didn't wake up. You began to run your fingers through his hair. Eventually, he started to stir and woke up with a low, soft groan. Rolling onto his back, he looked at you and smiled. "Mornin', gorgeous," he said.

"Good morning," you smiled back at him.

"Have you been up long?" He propped himself up against the backboard and turned his head to face you.

"Just a few minutes. You're really cute when you sleep, you know."

He let out a quiet chuckle and pulled you into a hug. It was then you realized you were both naked. From last night. When you and Hotch-

No way. 

Way. You and Hotch slept together. For real. For the first time. And it was amazing. 

I wonder what Reid would think if he knew about this? 

Why were you thinking about Reid while Hotch hugged you- naked, in his bed, the morning after you had sex?

You had serious issues. You should schedule another appointment with Dr. Brewster. Besides, there had been major developments in the story! She had to know all the juicy details! It had been over two months since you'd last seen her, though. Would she be upset with you?

You realized you were focused on everything but Hotch. You were pulled back into the moment when Hotch asked you, "Wanna go get breakfast?"

"Of course!" you replied. You were prepared to stay the night, so you had a bag packed with clothes in Hotch's car. You walked into his bathroom and put on his robe, and walked out to the car. When you came back inside, Hotch had turned the shower on. "Care to join me?" he asked.

After a seriously intimate shower, you and Hotch managed to get clothes on and leave the house. You went to a diner for breakfast. It just happened to be the same diner you met Spencer at the day Hotch made a pass at you 3 months ago.

At breakfast, Hotch got an omelet (to which you said, "Really? An omelet? What are you, 60?" He replied, "Almost.") and you got waffles ("Waffles? Really? What are you, six?" Hotch joked. You kicked his leg under the table).

You tried to pay for the food, but Hotch wouldn't let you. He had paid for everything since you started dating, and it made you feel kind of bad. But- you were also getting free food and amazing company, so it wasn't much to complain about. Still, you took your wallet out of your bag, trying to pay. A tiny piece of paper came out with it, falling onto the booth. 

It was for "Author's Night" at that book shop/coffee lounge you and Hotch went to on your first date. You had totally forgotten about it, and wondered how you never noticed the paper in your purse. You took out your phone to check the date of the next event, which happened to be in two days.

"Hey, Aaron, can we go to this?" you started. "It's at that coffee place on Potomac. I think it sounds really fun!" You explained to him what it was, and he agreed to go.

Aaron got a call from JJ: a new case. He dropped you off at your apartment to change, and then you took the metro to work from there. The case was in New York, 3 little girls had gone missing during the last week. After a few hours of family interviews, Emily found that all three of the girls had the same piano teacher. 

Spencer had found where she lived. It was a rather large house, too big for a single woman living by herself. After searching the whole house, Morgan found a hidden doorway which brought them straight to the girls. 

You had to stay behind at the police station, since you and Aaron weren't allowed in the field together. They picked him to go out and you to stay back every time. You pretended it didn't bother you, but it really did. You felt like you were no help at all. 

When they brought in the piano instructor, Lydia Wells, they let you interrogate her. You found out that her husband left her years ago, taking their 5 year old daughter with him. He didn't ever say where they went, and she never saw them again. It all caught up to her now, and she decided she had to be a mother again. Instead of taking a normal approach, she decided to kidnap her students.

Another crazy person, another case solved. After a night in a hotel, you all flew back to Quantico on the jet. Hotch didn't come to your room that night. You didn't know what that meant. You had just assumed that he was too tired. You knew that you fell asleep shortly after arriving at the hotel, so it didn't bother you much that he wasn't there. 

The next two days at the office were all paperwork while JJ looked for more cases. They went by quickly, and so the day of "Author's Night" had arrived. 

Spencer's Perspective: Present Day

Y/N didn't show up at Author's Night like I thought she would. I wasn't discouraged by this, though, and went to every Author's Night for the next two months prepared to give her my speech. 

The day after we got back from New York there was another event. I would go to this one, and if she didn't show up, I'd be done. I wasn't going to drive myself crazy over Y/N anymore. Besides, she was happy with Hotch. At least she thought she was. I could make her so much happier. That's why I would try again tonight. If she showed up, then it was meant to be. If she didn't, then I'd finally move on.


author's note: hey guys!! so, it's been... a while. i'm really really sorry about that. january was a super busy month for me, and it's been hard to find the time to write. i think i'm gonna write the next chapter now so that i don't go another month without publishing, though i do think the next chapter is going to be the end. 

thank you guys for over 1.6k reads!! that's honestly pretty insane, especially since thats like 400 in the last month and i haven't updated. you're all amazing, and i love you. if you liked this chapter, consider voting/commenting! it means a lot to me. have a great day/night!! :) 

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