A Change in Perspective (Part III)

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Spencer's Perspective: Two Months Ago

There are certain moments in everyone's life that define their future and the person they will become. I hadn't known it at the time, since I was asleep, but the day Hotch took my journal altered everything about the months to come.

Initially, I of course noticed the out-of-place bookmark. Surely, I put it back the last time I read it. It was never out of place. I hadn't known immediately that it was Hotch. I also hadn't known the levels to which he would stoop to for Y/N. 

Hotch had done a decent job at concealing his feelings for Y/N for the first month or so. Then he became incredibly stern, yelling at her for almost anything. I hadn't known what this change in attitude had meant, but I thought I got the gist once I ran into them outside the police station bathroom in El Paso.

My mind jumped to conclusions. I mean, how many other things go down in bathrooms other than doing your business or doing someone else? When Hotch described it as a "firm talking-to," what else was I supposed to think? Generally, I'm a very innocent person, but come on. You would have thought the exact. same. thing. 

Finding out that Hotch was bringing Haley to the club was a shock, and not necessarily a bad one. Y/N wasn't expected to come out, but if she hadn't called Emily, I would have called her myself. Though I care deeply for Y/N, I needed her to see Haley. She had to know that Hotch didn't want her, and that I did.

I knew she would be upset, but she managed to hide it well. I was a nervous wreck, and I think Hotch was too. We were ready for her to explode, listening to their agonizingly boring conversation and waiting for the moment where Y/N told on Hotch. But she never did.

That was when I realized that she was so much more than I thought. She was strong. She was capable of anything.

She was also very drunk.

In the car, after she told me she wished she had feelings for me, she nodded in and out of sleep. She kept blabbering on though, all of which I remember.

"I might jus' go," she said. "Just get outta here. Away. From Hotch."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Can't stan' seein' him with Haley. Might jus' move away. Tell no one where I'm goin'."

"Can you at least tell me?" 

"Sure, sure, Spencie. Take my phone. Do the GPS thingy."

So the GPS thingy I did. I didn't know what drunk mischief she would be up to once I left her alone. She might be serious. She might try to run away, and then pass out in the street. What if I never saw her again? No, I had to make sure she was safe.

I checked her location dozens of times that night. She never left the apartment. 

Until the next day, when she left and began moving on the map. She was going too fast for her to be walking, but I knew that her head probably hurt too much to drive. Everyone else she knew was also hungover. Except for one person.

She ended up at the coffee shop I had wrote about in my perfect plan. She didn't know that place existed. From what I knew about our co-workers, nobody else knew of it either. Except for one person.

It was once she arrived at the book store on Potomac that I knew for sure. She was with Hotch. He was using my plan. I thought back to the misplaced bookmark from a few months ago. He was sitting behind me on the jet. He must've taken it while I was sleeping and copied it down somewhere. And now, he was using it to steal the girl of my dreams.

And so, I got in my car and drove over to the shops. If he was following the plan correctly, I would be able to meet them at the restaurant soon. I didn't check the GPS. I was trusting my instinct. I parked far down the road so that I could give them time to get to the restaurant.

As I got closer, I could see that they were already getting ready to leave. Hotch was rushing this date. Probably just eager to get in her pants.


Wait- no. Not that her pants are disgusting. Or what's in them. I'm sure it's very nice. Oh, god, I must sound like a creep. Just that he moves too fast. You get what I mean. Right?

Hotch bumped into me as he stood up from his chair. 

"Hotch? Y/N?" I said.

"Hey, Spence!" she replied. I really loved it when she called me that. "What're you doing here?"

What was I doing here? Spying on a date? A date that I was supposed to be on.

Truthfully, the only part of the conversation that mattered wasn't even spoken out loud. I gave Hotch a look. He knew that I knew what he did. 

After we parted ways, I decided to sit down and get lunch for myself. After a delicious sandwich, I headed up towards the book store. I figured that I might as well get something new, since I was already there. In the window, there was a flyer for an author's night at the adjoining coffee shop. This was the exact type of thing that Y/N would like. I knew with absolute certainty that she would be going to the next one. Because I knew her. Better than Hotch did, and ever would.

I would be up there. I would read her my plan from my journal. She would see that the date she went on with Hotch, the one that made her fall for him, was actually my doing. She would realize that her and I were meant for each other.

I could stoop just as low as Hotch. I would steal her back.


A/N- hey everyone!! sorry for the late update and kind of short chapter. I hope you liked it regardless!! we're almost at 1.3k, which is awesome!! if you guys liked this chap, please consider voting/commenting! it means a lot to me <3

i love you all, have a great day/night :)))

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