Surprise Me

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You and the team had just returned from a week-long case in Georgia. Some psycho was tying up young girls and keeping them in his basement. Luckily, he was arrested and none of the girls had died. Still, it was long and rough, and you and the team were incredibly tired.

Hotch said you could all take the next three days to rest and recharge. You planned on using your time off to sleep, eat, and sleep some more. There was also a new show on HBO that you wanted to start, so that was also in the cards.

When you got home, you quickly unpacked your go-bag and turned on the shower. You took your time, spending at least 40 minutes wrapped in the heat of the warm water. After, you ordered take-out from your favorite bar/restaurant and plopped down on the couch.

You weren't in the mood to start the new, serious show, so instead you let reruns of old sitcoms play, lightly laughing along with the laugh tracks. A half hour later, your food arrived, and you sat back down on your couch with your dozen wings and soda. Good thing I live alone, you thought, cause things are about to get real.

You devoured your food in record time, fingers and chin coated in wing sauce. You guzzled down your soda like a madman, thankful that no one was there to see you. This was your favorite way to unwind, and it only happened once every few months, so you learned to enjoy it when you could.

You threw out your trash and rinsed your face and hands off. You sunk back into the couch and began to doze off, when your phone buzzes.

Hotch: Have any fun plans for tomorrow?

You: No, why?

Hotch: Haley has Jack for the week. I wanted to know if you wanted to go somewhere.

You: Oh, okay. What did you have in mind?

Hotch: Meet me at my house at 12:00.

You: Not going to tell me?

Hotch: You'll see.

Mysterious. Enticing. You were excited... until you starting worrying. What were you going to wear? By not telling you where you were going, you had no idea if you needed to dress up, casually, or professionally. It was Hotch, he could take you to some business conference for fun.

Instead of getting the sleep you deserved, you stayed up hours later than normal thinking of what you could be doing, how to act, what to wear. You asked yourself if you should drive or take the metro? Should I wear sneakers or heels? Or flats? Hair up, or down? Straight or curled? Your mind was overflowing with anxiety about something so simple. 

Of course, you could just text him and ask.

You: What should I wear?

Hotch: Surprise me.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Was this a booty call? A 12 p.m. booty call? No way, not Hotch. 

You: Seriously, Aaron. I don't want to wear the wrong thing.

Hotch: Casual is fine.

You didn't bother responding. He had answered your question, and now you could relax. You moved to your bed as to not hurt your back sleeping on the couch. After staring into your abyss-like ceiling for a few minutes, you drifted off into sleep.


At 11:15, you woke up, rolling over and staring straight into your alarm clock.

I slept that late? Damn, must've been tired. It's fine, nothing to do to- SHIT!

You jumped out of bed, running straight into the bathroom. You brushed your teeth and raked your brush through your hair. You had no time to do anything fancy, so you threw it into a high ponytail and rolled with it. You put on a t-shirt and a pair of skinny jeans, along with a pair of Converse. It was cool and casual, right? 

Constantly Rejected- Hotch x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now