Use Your Words

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*Mention of rape* 

"So, you think the two of them are in on this together?" you asked. 

"Actually, it makes a lot of sense if you think about it. I mean, she says they haven't spoken, separating herself from the murders. She also says he wasn't capable of such a thing, removing him too. She probably spoke to him before court, and told him she would get him the shortest sentence she could. I wouldn't be surprised if he was in that house when we were there," Spencer replied.

"That would explain the messy hair and the robe," you remarked.

"Hotch, did you notice the emphasis she put on women? She said the Y/N had to fix her attitude to get a husband, she-" you cut Spencer off.

"She said WHAT?" you yelled. 

"Y/N, it's not a big deal. Anyways, she talked about him working at a store for 'teen sluts' or something like that. Said her step-dad ran away with a 'whore.' It seems she feels strongly that women should be decent for the men. We should look into the girls who were murdered, and see if there's any connection between them and sex crimes of some sort." 

Your phone chirped with a call from Garcia. "My love," you began. "Just the girl I wanted to talk to. Can you-"

"Sorry dearie, but I've got some news for you. I was looking at the dates of Judy Meyers' death and the court date for Argon, and noticed something fishy. Her mom died before the hearing against Argon. And- and! The charges were dropped against him. That hearing was for a totally different crime, petty theft from a store he used to work at," Penelope said.

"That's strange, the file says she pressed charges, it doesn't say she dropped them," Spencer replied. 

"Well mine does, Sugarbutt. Something real weird is going on here," she answered. "What'd you need me for, Y/N?"

"Right, Garcia, I need you to look up the victims Argon killed. I need everything you've got on them."

Vigorous typing echoed through the speaker before she began speaking. "Alright... 5 victims, all between the ages of 16 and 20. First up we have Jen Truens, 18 years old, filed one rape allegation against 45 year old Alex Gray when she was 15. Next, Tina McCardle, 17 years old, filed one rape allegation against 45 year old Alex Gray when she was 15... Rebecca Lewis, 19 years old, filed one rape allegation... Yep. All five of them filed against Alex Gray when they were 15. That's got to have something to do with it."

"Garcia, cross reference Joseph Argon and Alex Gray," Hotch called from the front seat.

"There's a news article about Gray, and Argon gave a quote to the reporter. 'He's a great friend of mine, he'd never do something like this to anyone. These girls are lying, and they should pay for it.' Wow, strong words from Argon." 

"So they're buddies. Argon's got to be killing these girls to protect his friends. See if there are any more allegations against Gray," Hotch ordered.

"Yeah, sugar, there's one more. Wendy O'Darcy, I'll send you her address."

"Thanks, Garcia." Hotch dialed Morgan's number, and he picked up on the first ring. "Morgan, change of plans. I need you to meet us at the station. We have to brief the officers and send them over to a girl named Wendy O'Darcy's house, she's Aragon's next victim. They've all filed rape cases against a man named Alex Gray, who our unsub is best friends with. We'll meet you there." Hotch ended the call and turned the car around.


After a detailed briefing, Hotch pulled you aside. "Come with me, Y/N. We need to speak."

You followed him out of the room and down a hallway, he opened a door and motioned for you to step into the room. It was a bathroom. What could he possibly want from you in there?

"Sir, what are you-" you began. 

"Quiet," he barked. "That stunt you pulled at Ms. Rogers' house was unacceptable. You don't get to act like that when we're on a case."

"I'm sorry, sir, I just-"

He cut you off again. "I'm not done talking. You need to learn how to control your emotions. This isn't some game you play where you say whatever you want when you want to. We're dealing with a killer here, or killers, so you better fix your attitude or I'll make sure you never leave your desk again."

You were scared for your job, but this tone he was taking to you was just so hot. Now was not the time to be turned on, especially right before you leave to try and catch a killer. 

"Do you understand me, Y/N?" he asked.

You nodded your head quickly. 

"Use your words."

"Yes, sir, I understand," you muttered. 

God, why did he have to be so attractive.

"Good. Now, go."

You left the bathroom, your face completely flushed.

"Hey, Y/N, are you okay?" Spencer asked as he walked by, coming from the conference room.

"Uh- uh, yeah. Yeah, Spence, I'm good," you confirmed, still flustered from your meeting with Hotch.

"What were you doing in the men's bathroom?" he asked, a very confused look on his face.

As you began to reply, Hotch opened the door.

"Oh, hello, Spencer," he said in his normal, emotionless voice.

Reid's eyes opened as wide as they could, and he looked back and forth between you and Hotch. He muttered, "no way," under his breath, but you could still hear him.


Author's Note: 2nd chapters in one night! I hope you guys like it! We got called out by daddy hotch, and now reid thinks there's something going on. I also tried to advance the plot with the unsub! I know this is a fic about hotch but i promise, once we solve this case, it's gonna be looooots of hotch and reid drama, just bear with me.

please vote if you enjoyed and have a great day/night! love u

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