What Would've Been

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Spencer's eyes darted back and forth between you and Hotch.

"But- what- I-" he stuttered, flustered beyond words.

"Spencer! I swear  it's not what it looks like. We were just having a conversation, that's all," you said, trying to ease the situation.

By now, Hotch had caught on to what Spencer was thinking. "My god, Spencer, it's not what you think. I was just giving Agent Y/L/N a firm talking-to," he said.

The doctor gagged at your bosses words. "A firm talking-to! That's what you call it?" he cried, face beet red.

"Jesus, Spence, get your head out of the gutter!" you retorted, nearly laughing at his words. "I thought you were innocent," you giggled.

Against all odds, he turned an even deeper shade of red. "Oh... I'm sorry. I just, you have to know what it looks like when-"

Hotch interrupted, "Reid, nothing happened between Ms. Y/N and I. I was simply reprimanding her for her behavior earlier, and wanted to spare her the embarrassment of being yelled at in front of her colleagues." 

You knew Spencer was smirking at the words, "reprimanding her for her behavior," and smacked him on the arm.

"Yeah, yeah, of course," he stammered. "I, uh, gotta get in there." He pushed past Hotch and went into the bathroom. 

You looked at Hotch briefly before directing your gaze towards the ground. You stood there for what felt like eternity before deciding to break the silence. "Well, that was awkward." Good, now let him talk. 

"Yeah-" was all Aaron could get out before you began talking again.

"Y'know, him thinking we, what- hooked up in the bathroom?" Stop it, now, Y/N. You're just going to embarrass yourself further. "I mean, I mean, that would be ridiculous!" It would. Shut up. "I can't even think about it without laughing! Ha! Ha! Ha!" That couldn't have been more forced. Why won't you stop talking? "That would be ridiculous!" you repeated. Aaron put a finger to your mouth.

What he did next was something that only ever happened in your dreams. He moved in closer to you and placed his lips just next to your ear.

"Would it?" he whispered.

Aaron then sauntered away, leaving you speechless and bright as a tomato. 


It had been 2 weeks since your incident with your boss outside that police station bathroom in El Paso. You had returned home to Virginia after arresting both Casey Rogers and Joseph Argon. It was discovered that they were, in fact, in on it together. Argon killed the girls and Casey gave him his alibi. They were sent to different prisons, never to see each other again.

Unlike the killer couple, you had to see Hotch every day. He was always there, in his office, focused on his work. You looked up at him so many times that your coworkers were starting to take notice.

"What's so special about the boss-man?" Morgan asked, distracting you from staring.

"What? Nothing..." you sighed. Morgan had known about Reid's infatuation with you, but he didn't know about yours with Hotch. 

"She got in some trouble back in El Paso. Probably just nervous that there's more to come," Spencer chimed in. You didn't know whether to be thankful that he covered for you or to be mad that he ratted you out. 

"Got in trouble, eh? Faced Hotch's wrath? Yeah, I've been there myself. I'll protect you, babygirl," Morgan said with a wink and a smile. He then looked at Reid, who was clearly annoyed, and winked at him as well. The doctor eased up.

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