Car Ride (Part II)

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"Is this place fancy?" you asked. "I don't want to be under-dressed." You looked down at your blue jeans and Caltech hoodie and frowned. Spencer left it at your house after a night of movies and refused to take it back when you tried to give it to him. You were barely presentable. How did Hotch let you out of the house like this?

"If you consider a mom-and-pop Mexican restaurant fancy, then yes. I probably should have asked, do you like Mexican food?" he responded.

"Of course I do, I'm not a psycho," you joked. You thought about your outfit. You really wanted to change. You looked over at Aaron, who was wearing a t-shirt and jeans. Though your clothes were so similar, you felt less than comfortable in your comfort clothes.

"Would it be okay if we stopped at my place so I can change?" you asked.

"Why do you need to change? You look fine."

"Fine?" Just fine? Now you definitely had to change. "I don't want to look 'fine,' Aaron. I wanna look fine." You laughed at your dumb joke, but Aaron's face was solemn. 

"There's no reason for you to change. I like how comfortable you look. I actually prefer it over the clothes you wear to work," he told you. He took his eyes off the road momentarily to look at you. His eyes looked you over, and you felt a blush creep onto your face.

"If you're really uncomfortable, we can go to your place. Or we can order the food and take it to go?" 

You shook your head no, realizing that it was foolish to be so worked up about a hoodie. Maybe it was less embarrassment and more worry that Aaron would recognize it and start a fight with you. 

Which reminded you- you still had to talk to Spencer. Your concern had turned into a mild anger, upset that you let him almost ruin your day with Hotch. What was his problem? And why did he think he had the right to intrude on your date? It was probably you. You told him to stay and talk. You let him weasel his way into your brain. You let him jeopardize your shot with Hotch.

"What're you thinking about?" Hotch asked.

You turned your head to the window to hide your face. "It's nothing."

He looked at you for a second, clearly unsatisfied with your answer.

"I'm excited for dinner," you said, still looking out the window. He didn't reply, just refocused on the road. 

You took your phone out of your pocket. You had a text from Spencer from a few hours ago that you had missed.

Spencer: Hey, Y/N. How's the date going?

Should you answer him? Did he deserve an answer? What if Hotch looked at your phone and saw who you were texting? Why did you have so many questions?

You: Good, thanks.

Cool, simple, breezy. Breezy? Hopefully that would be enough to satisfy Spencer. Maybe he wouldn't answer and you could get back to thinking about Hotch.

This did not work, however, and he responded just seconds after you sent your text.

Spencer: Are you still together?

You: Yes, we're going to dinner now.

Spencer: Where to? I heard that little Mexican restaurant on 24th is pretty good.

Uh, what?

You couldn't answer him. But you really wanted to. How did he know? Did he tap your phone so he could listen to your conversations? Was Penelope in on this? Were they spying on you together? You decided to text her instead. 

Constantly Rejected- Hotch x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now