Star Gazing

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Spencer grumbled as he sat up and moved to the edge of the couch. He lifted your head up gently and you sat up too.

"It's time to leave," he whispered.

You had fallen asleep, and from the sound of it, he had too. He flicked the TV off and went into his room, returning a minute later with a few blankets and pillows.

"I might need some help carrying these to the car," he says, dropping a pillow on the ground.

You walk over and pick it up, holding it tight to your chest as you smile at Spencer. He put the bedding on the couch and walked into his kitchen, opening a cabinet and grabbing a package of Twizzlers. He turned to you and said, "I really hope you're not a Red Vines girl."

You made a disgusted face. "Yuck, of course not. Twizzlers or nothing." 

He nodded with satisfaction and took two bottles of water from the fridge, placing them on the counter with the Twizzlers. "I hope you don't mind, I only have water," he said. "We can get something else on the way there, if you want."

"No, that's okay, Spence. I only really drink water anyways."

He was so considerate. You couldn't imagine Hotch being like that, but you guess since you've never really been alone with him outside of work, except for earlier, that you couldn't make that judgement.

"Can you put these in your bag?" the doctor asked.

"Yeah, for sure." You walked over and picked your bag off of the floor, placing the waters and candy inside. You hooked it around your shoulder and grabbed two pillows. "Ready when you are!" you said happily. Spencer picked up the blankets and opened the front door for you, locking it behind him.

You were quiet in the car, until he started talking a few minutes into the ride. "I don't mean to pry," he started, "but, is there more to this Hotch story than you're telling me?"

You didn't expect that from him. You could've been snappy, yell at him for not minding his own business, but he didn't do anything to deserve that. He had been the perfect friend all day, and you owed him an explanation. 

"Yeah, there is. I don't think you'd like it, though," you answered shyly.

"I can take it. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"You should probably hear it anyways." You went through the events that transpired outside of the bathroom, in Hotch's office, and the texts leading up to this afternoon. "It's not that I-" you paused, "it's not that I didn't want it. It's that I didn't want it like that.

Spencer was quiet for a minute after that. He cleared his throat before talking. "So, if he apologizes, are you going to forgive him?"

"Yeah, you know, I think so. Like I said, I'm not really mad at him. I just thought we were taking things slower. Maybe that's dumb, seeing how fast things heated up in his office, but he doesn't seem like that kind of guy. Do I seem like that kind of girl?"

"No, of course not. This isn't your fault, Y/N. He shouldn't have come onto you that strong. If he was a real gentleman, he would've made sure you wanted that first."

"That's why I'm upset! Clearly, I wanted it..." Spencer's eyes looked sad as you glanced over at him. "But he didn't even ask. No, 'is this okay?' Nothing. What if he didn't let me go?"

"Hotch would never do that. Though, I guess I don't know what he would and wouldn't do anymore."

The two of you sat in silence for what felt like forever.

"I wouldn't ever, ever do that to you, you know. I'd respect you, make sure you were comfortable with anything before I tried it."

"I know you would, Spence." You reached out and took his hand that wasn't on the steering wheel. You brought it to your lap and squeezed gently. He turned his head slightly to look at you, both of you smiling slightly. 

He pulled into the lot, completely void of other cars.

"Where is everyone else?" you asked.

"Well, um, there isn't actually a star gazing thing. Not a public one, anyways."

You gasped, pulling your free hand to grip your cheek dramatically. "Spencer Reid, did you trick me?"

His face turned red, and he titled his head down towards his legs. "I, uh, I might have."

You unbuckled your seatbelt and moved closer towards him. "That's okay," you said. "I'm not mad."

"Really? I can't imagine you'd be okay being tricked by two men in one day."

"Yeah, Spence, I'm really angry. How dare you take me to look at stars with you? How could you?" you said, in a mocking tone.

"Alright, I get it," he laughed. "I'm sorry anyways."

"I forgive you," you responded. You moved in, placing a kiss on his cheek. His face was immediately red, and he was flustered by your actions.

"Uh, let's- let's set up." He took off his seatbelt and opened the car door.  "Do you want to sit on the hood or in the grass?"

"Grass, please. Sitting on the hood makes me nervous."

"Duly noted," he chuckled.

You turned on the radio, making it just loud enough that you could hear it faintly from in front of the car. You got out and watched as he struggled flattening out the blanket. He'd throw it down, then walk across it to pull out the other side. Realizing he messed up the first side, he'd walk back across.

"You need some help, big guy?" you asked, talking to him like a 5 year old.

His blush returned. "Yes, please."

You picked the scrunched up blanket off the ground and shook it twice to spread it out. "You've got to walk around it to fix it." He stuck his tongue out at you and threw the pillows down on the blanket. You took the drinks and snacks out of your purse and laid down. He laid down too, pulling himself in close to you.

You shivered as the wind blew, and he grabbed your hand. "Cold?" he asked. You nodded your head yes, and he pulled you into him. You put your head in the crook of his neck as he wrapped his arms around you.

"You didn't bring another blanket?" you questioned, your voice muffled by his sweater. 

"Yeah, but it's in the car," he sighed. He got back up and returned shortly after with a blanket. He threw it around you, and you snuggled into it.

"You want in?" you asked as he got back onto the ground. 

"No, thanks. I'm warm enough just being with you." 

Now you were the one blushing. You smiled and rolled onto your back to look up at the stars. He talked on and on about astronomy until you drifted off into sleep.

He wrapped his arm around you, and you felt calm.

You liked being with Spencer. He made you feel safe.


A/N- hey! i really loved writing this chapter. i want y/n to get as much quality time with spencer in as she can cause i have some pretty bad stuff planned. i know this is supposed to be a hotch fic, just gimme a little bit and we'll get there.

tysm for 100 reads! triple digits! i love you all. if you liked what you read, please vote and comment! have a great day/night :)

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