Chapter 13

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Recap Selina's POV:

Rose's mum was on the floor crying and crying. Rose quickly ran towards her mother and hugged her tight. Until the moment when her mother cried out what happened to her father, everyone's heart broke including mine. Rose father has turned into a zombie

Rose POV

It has been 1 week since my mother had told me that my father had turned. I sat alone in the huge mansion. I sat in bed thinking about my life. Frist I was thinking what was going to happen in school the next day. Then I came up with looking after children. Then I see this hot guy and I'm living in his house, more worst is that my father has turned into a zombie.

In my heart I believe my father has never turned into one. I believe my father would never ever turn into one of their kind. Blood sucking carnivores, my father was the bravest out of them all. Why did the zombies turn him? Why did they want him? Did he choose this path?

He promised me that he would come back. He promised me that he would make it out save. He even said he will be with me forever and ever, until I don't need him anymore. Why? Why did everything turn out so frken ugly? Why can't I just have a normal life like everyone else? Why is everyone so lucky except for me? All those questions were flying in my head.

Soon it became a big headache. I groaned and fell back on the pillow and tried to not think about it anymore. There was a soft knock on my door. I sat up and looked at it.

"Rose, it's me, Jackson" he said in front of the door. I can sense his nervousness in it. For the last few days I have been pmsing those people who knocked on my door. I wanted to have some time to myself and think it through. The funeral is next Tuesday and I don't think I could make it.

"I know it's not the right time... but I want to know if you're okay in there. You haven't been out for a week now. I am worried. Please open the door and talk to me. Don't keep it in yourself it's not good. Come and talk to me "Jackson said as sweet as ever. Am I ready for it? Should I talk to him? It would hurt if I tell him what I was thinking right?

"Just give me a moment" I whispered back, which I know he heard me.

I got out of bed and when to the bathroom to see how I looked right now. I looked like a mess; my hair is like the birds nest. Everything is messy. I have big panda eyes and my face looked screwed. But I didn't care about it I just brushed my hair and tried to smooth it out before he comes in and sees me. I walked back to my room and went to open to door. Jackson walked in without saying anything, just followed me to my bed and sat on the edge. He looked at me with those beautiful golden eyes, which I clearly remember on our first meeting. I couldn't help myself that I was checking him out. He was wearing a tight blue v neck shirt and with tight black jeans, this made his gold eyes stood out more. Finally I looked back out into his eyes. It was filled with worried and concern.

"Yeh I'm fine, not daring to look up at him" I said looking down, because that was a bad ass lie. I was not fine I was sad and lost. I didn't know what to do.

Jackson used his hands and lifted my chin up so I was looking into his eyes.

"Don't sweetheart, don't lie to me. I know you're lost, because I have been in your position one, when my mother died. You feel lost and you do not know what to do, tell me what you are thinking, tell me how I can help you. Tell me what you don't get and I promise I will help you as much as I can. Please don't keep it in your heart. Let it all out. I can listen to you for the whole day if you don't mind." He said with his husky voice.

"I don't know, I don't know why I have gotten myself in this mess. I knew I should've stayed there and figted with my dad. If I did maybe he wouldn't have turned." I said blaming myself.

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