chapter 12 (selina's POV)

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Selina's POV

We were standing in the middle of the adults. I saw Rose running out of the room, towards the front door. I really liked Rose. She is a nice girl and she's a natural beauty too. I was staring into space, when suddenly the window broke. I looked around the room. Zombies' starts to kill the adults, it was chores. The kids screamed and ran everywhere. I didn't even know what happened. I saw my sister running everywhere, trying to find a place to hide from the zombies. I was just standing there, not knowing what to do.

Suddenly someone grabbed my shoulder and I let of a painful scream. I wiggled and wiggled, trying to let him to loosen its grip on my shoulder, that I knew it's going to have a bruise afterwards. Maybe there isn't an afterwards, I might just die here right now. I tried to kick him and slap him. But it failed miserably. I screamed as loud as I can, so someone might come and help me. Nobody came. I'm going to die. Just when the zombie was going to drag me out of the window; something hit him on the head. He loosened the grip on my shoulders, enough for me to run away from him. I saw Lydia standing there holding wooden sticks, that I think she broke from a chair. I ran towards her. She held of her hands for me to hold. She hugged me.

"Are you okay? We better get out of here before anymore zombies come and get you beautiful girl, now let's move" She said

I couldn't speak at that time, so I just nodded my head and she took hold of my hands and we ran. Just when we were about to get to the door, someone got in our way. He doesn't look like a zombie he was wearing some kind of uniform. Lydia suddenly pointed the wooden stick at him.

"Who are you?" she said angrily.

"Whoa there, put that dangerous weapon down, it can kill someone" that guy said putting his hands in front of him, taking a step back in defence, with means he won't harm us.

"Why should I believe you? I haven't seen you around here" said Lydia concerned

"I was sent here to help you so don't worry, now beautiful lady follow me" said the guy calmly

"No way, am I following you, my mum told me not to trust strangers in places like this" Lydia said glaring at him

"Well you leave me no choice them" the guy said, moving towards us.

Lydia pointed the wooden stick at him, ready to throw it at him anytime. The guy power walked towards us and Lydia threw the stick at him. The guy catches it with ease. She grabbed Lydia's hand and dragged her out of the house. I tried to help her. I slapped the guys hand and hit him, he didn't even bludge. I just walked and walked. He threw us into the back seat of a car and drove. Lydia kept on complaining about why she should've went to karate classes, when her mum offered. I sat there silently not knowing what to do, or where we were going. When we arrived at the place we were taken, it was like a huge garden, there is a big house behind it. It's like a mansion. Lydia got off the car and just stared at the house with love. I can see that she loves beautiful houses; she nearly drooled all over the floor.

"Let move guys, don't want to stand here all day do I?" said the man smiling at both of us.

"No actually I wouldn't mind standing here all day, this place is awesome, if I'm going to be kidnapped to a place like this them I don't really mind. Keep me as long as you can" said Lydia smiling at him with adorable eyes.

"Now let's get a move on, people are waiting for us inside, don't wanna be the last to get there" he said, taking hold of Lydia's hand and pulled her along the path, which lead to the massive house.

We stopped in front of the enormous house, it was beautiful. It has sculptures of people along the way where they lead us. It was really nice. We walked into a beautiful room, which was decorated with beautiful lacy curtains. The guy led us to sit in one of those couches and the guy told us to wait a little.

When the door opened again, everyone looked at their direction and some people bowed their head as respect. I couldn't see who it was because everyone was so tall in this room. They walked to the table on the other side of the table and sat. When people moved away, we saw who it was. It was Rose, she is alive. I am so glad. I was smiling like an idiot. When Lydia saw what I was looking at she took my hand and ran towards Rose. She was as glad as me when she saw Rose sitting there. We ran towards her and Lydia gave her a bone crushing hug. They talked for a while and introduced us. When Rose saw me behind Lydia she came and hugged me too and talked with me for a while. Later what I assume it was Jackson when Rose introduced us. He was fit and handsome, but it seems like he has a bad temper. I kept quiet for the whole time, not wanting to create any fuss. I was sitting next to Lydia. When suddenly Rose started to cry, Lydia quickly patted her back to make her feel better. We all know what Rose was thinking, her parents. I missed my parents too; I too don't know where they are. Jackson came up to Rose and asked her what's wrong but she didn't answer. Soon Lydia started to cry too. I was on edge to cry too, but I kept strong. I can see the frustration in Jacksons eyes so I pulled my courage up and told him why they were crying. Soon Jackson took us in a car, he said he recused some people and it might be our parents, my mood was excited, I wish my parents was alright. Everyone kept silent and we drove to the place where Jackson said. We finally arrived and we took the elevator and when to the 21st floor. When the elevator door opened, it was like a zoo. People were everywhere. Jackson looked at us with knowing eyes and led us towards a set of doors. When he opened the door it was a studio, speakers everywhere. Jackson handed the speaker to Lydia and Lydia knew what he meant and said her parents name. I did the same for my parents and went over to the elevator where we told them to come. The first elevator came and I saw my parents come out. My heart was filled with love; I ran towards them and gave them a big hug. Lydia parent was fine as well. When we waited for Rose's parents, tension started to build up because something must have gone wrong why haven't Rose parents come yet? We waited a bit more. When the third elevator came, what I assume it was Rose mother. She was on the floor crying and crying. Rose quickly ran towards her and hugged her. Until the moment when her mother cried out what happened to her father, everyone's heart broke including mine. Rose father has become a zombie.

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