Chapter 7

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Everyone moved into the other room without any fuss.They all occupied really well together . They all listened to the instructions really good. It seems like the teachers gave me the role to lead.

Finally when everyone is

Settled down. I move into the middle of the room and caught everyones attention.

"Now everyone i want you to keep as quiet as you can so we wont attract attention and because we are on the first floor they may hear us from outside if we are too loud. They putted us on the first floor because there are two escape route from here so its easier if we need to escape from the building" i said calmly

'Is there any questions?" I asked

The children all shook their heads. So i assume they have no questions. I moved out of the middle and went to the front where the door is and tried to guard it, so if anyone comes in i have my gun ready to attack. But i hope i dont need to use it.

After like what seem like a years . Night has finally come. I think the zombies might have backed away since my father has a lot of plans like plan A and plan B and all those stuff, incase something bad happens. I had already left the door for 3 hours now because i was really tired and i need to get some food inside of me. I haven't even eaten any breakfast so i was starving. There was some bacon and cheese left and some up an go that i could drink. When i finished eating i went back to the room and started to make conversations and talking but making sure that we weren't too loud. We played some games like duck duck goose. Just when we thought everything was fine.

A sudden gun shot was heard. Not just one or two but they were literally having a war outside. I froze .

'Shiitt' i said out loud and i quickly go up and told the kids to go in a corner and have the adults guard around it so it makes the children inside and the adults are outside. I quickly ran out of the room and ran into the narrow corridor and ran for the front door while holding onto the gun my dad gave me. Just when i was about to reach the door. I heard the upstairs window crash follow by another one


Finally i understand, they are attacking from the window! I ran back to the kids room but it was too late. When i opened the door the windows crashed into millions of pieces lying on the floor.

The children screamed. The zombies came in. I tried shooting at them but it missed miserably. When i saw Elizabeth was been dragged by two zombies. I didnt think twice and ran to Elizabeth i got the got and show the zombies who were holding her. They letted her go.

'RUN ELIZABETH' i screamed with all i got.

But what i go in return is unpredictable. The zombies turned around and started to chase me.

I ran into corridor and when i was about to reach the door. Someone grabbed my shoulder. I let out a scream and that person covered my mouth.

'Oh beautiful girl i got you' said the zombie.

I tried to talk but all i got out is mumbles because he was covering m mouth.

'Now now, you are going to be one of us now, and you can be my wife after you have turned , beautiful one' he said with a laughter

He opened his mouth and his fangs came out. He moved his head to get a better view of my neck. My is going to end now. At least i helped someone. At least i saved Elizabeth. Bye mom and dad. Love you !


Votteee and i will upload the next chapter !!!

I know its cliffhanging!

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