Chapter 8

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I closed my eyes shutting them tight getting ready for the pain that is going to make me into something i don't want.

It has been minutes. He should have already bitten me already.

I slowly opened my eyes and i was met by a beautiful golden set of beautiful eyes. He stared at me with concerned eyes. I stared at him Confused. Is he a zombie ? Did he just saved me ? I haven't seen him before? Who is he? Is he going to kill me ? My thoughts was everywhere.

"Are you alright?" He asked with his husky voice that sounds like a greek god. God dammit i want to kiss him right now. How his lips were perfectly shaped and are strawberry pink, how he moves his lips. Everything in me wanted him to hug me to give me support and give me comfort. What the hell what am i thinking i dont even know him. I only met him like seconds ago and i am already thinking this what is wrong with me. Urggh!

'Nnnn.. ooo' i said with a shaky voice. I didn't know until i taste my own tears in my mouth that i have been crying.

That greek god came forward and gave me a bear hug. It was sooo comforting that i almost dont know where i was. Forgetting the problem. I hugged him back and sobbed tears going onto his shirt. He hugged me till my sobs died down.

He moved away and looked me in the eyes and said " we better get going before another wave of zombies comes here" he said with anger.

When he said those words. At first i didnt even know what he was talking about. What zombies ? My life was so perfect. When i looked at him with blank eyes.

"Dont worry i promise i will get you out of here" he said again. Finally i got back to reality that i was just in a war with zombies and i was taken by a zombie. I was going to become one of them. I got my hands and putted them on my neck. There weren't any sticky red liquid coming out. I wasn't bitten. I was saved. I looked around and found the zombie on the other side of the hallway that was going to bite me. he was killed. a head shot. blood was everywhere. he was lying on a pile of blood. i was nearly sick looking at him so I turned back and look at the person in front of me. He was wearing blue uniform and his hair was a light blondish - brown colour ,his hair was a mess, hair sticking out in every direction. But that just makes him more sexy and cute. What i love the most about him is those golden eyes that is staring at me with confusion. I looked at his body he was fit . Like really fit. He has like arm muscles that i can see through his shirt. He is tall but not too tall. He has a gun and other stuff that was sticking out of his belt. He looks like a sexy police guy. Wait wait wait why am i checking him out in a situation like this ? What is wrong with me? I tried to push back everything that was about him and concentrate on what is happening right now. I looked around once more and i remember the kids. The kids where are they?

"Omg where are the kids?" I asked panicking

"They have been moved out of the building safely but some was injured so gave order to some of my teammates and took them back to my town to get them treated" he said

His town. What town. Who is this god in front of me ? Does he know me ? Was he sent by my dad ?

"Sorry but who are you?" I asked curiously.

"You dont remember me do you? Its fair that we haven't seem each other for like 18 years. But i still remember you. Maybe this will give you the clue my name is jackson" his said with a chuckle

Jackson i think i heard this name before but i cant remember. Quick quick quick stupid brain think who is he. Just when i was about to tell him i dont know. He was hugged by some kid i cant see because all i see is some little finger hugged around his waist.

"Brothherr! I miss you so much! Why are you here ? I thought you were still back home! I never knew you became a police! Omg !" Screamed a familiar voice with excitment


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