Part 7

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You were laying in bed next to Paul, hair still damp, as his hand was trailing up your thigh, as you swatted it away, giggling.

"I told you I'm tired." you said, as you looked at him with a smile on your face.

"Plus i thought you would be too after the shower." You added, as Paul's hand continued it's journey up your body.

"That was just a lot of touching. Plus I do want to please my wife." Paul said as his lips descended on your neck, licking at the water droplets.

"I'm still not used to hearing that" You said, as you took his hand that had been working its way up your thigh, kissing his ring finger, where his band sat on his finger.

"Well I guess I'll just have to say it more often then." Paul said with a smile as his eyes went to the clock.

"Crap, Pam is supposed to drop Evan off soon. So we'd better get ready." Paul said as you sighed.

Because he told you about the messages that had been left on the machine from Gene and Pam.

And you weren't about to let him be confronted by Pam about pictures that had been taken months ago now.


You were upstairs putting your hair up when you heard the doorbell ring. You ran downstairs, and opened the door, and was welcomed by Evan hugging you immediately around your legs.

"Miss y/l/n!" he shouted, as you smiled, looking down at him as you looked up and saw that Pam's eyes were on your ring finger where the engagement and wedding ring sat stacked ontop of each other.

"Evan, sweetie, can you go back and wait in the car?" Pam asked, as you sighed internally.

This isn't going to be good. You thought, as you watched as Evan went back into the car, as Pam went to turn on the air for him, as he happily played with toys that were in the backseat.

"So he actually went through with it and married you, after everything?" Pam asked acid in her tone, as she looked you up and down.

"1) don't take that tone with me 2) he talked to you about it and 3) you have no business even hinting at what I think your hinting at" You said, as you crossed your arms over your chest feeling a weight lift from your chest at your honesty and pride in the fact that you didn't outright yell that at her.

"Yes he did while out on tour. Asked my opinion about it but I guess he didn't listen to me. Guess it was the sex that sold him right?" She said with a smirk on her face, as you heard Paul walking up with a smile on his face.

"Hey Pam, where's Evan?" he asked, still smiling until he saw the look on your face.

"He's waiting in the car, I'm contemplating if he should stay here or not. Don't want him around PDA." Pam said, as you saw a neutral expression that crossed his face.

"So we are jumping right into old news. The Disneyland photos came out before the tour. Old news and now we're married now. There's nothing to discuss. And if you don't feel comfortable with Evan coming over, even though we discussed this before and when you found out that Evan was comfortable being around y/n that it was fine. Now all of the sudden you're threatening to not allow me to see my kid? And if you are, I'm going to have to have my lawyer call yours to tweak the custody agreement." Paul said in such an even tone that it freaked you out.

And not just you from the look on Pamela's face, as she blinked, taken back.

"So is he staying or going back with you?" Paul asked, as your mind flashed back to the last time he showed this much anger, Gene got a fist in his face.

"I'll go get him." she said simply, as she stepped away and went to open the door for Evan to get out, as she went to grab his bag.

Evan ran immediately to hug Paul, as Paul took him up in his arms, as you took the bag from Pam.

"I'll see you in a week buddy have fun!" Pam said as she kissed the side of Evan's face before walking back to her car.

"Alright, how about you go in the living room and put some cartoons on." Paul said, as he put Evan down, as you both watched him run off to the living room.

And his resolve broke.

You felt him take your hand in his, and it was shaking.

"Thank you, for being here." He said, as he squeezed your hand a few times as he went to walk off to the bathroom, as you closed the front door and then went off to find out where Paul walked off to.

You walked past the bathroom, when you saw that it was still cracked open.

Paul had the faucet on, running water, and taking some and running it over his face, before gripping the end of the counter and looking at his reflection in the mirror and taking a couple deep breaths.

And his hands were still shaking.

"Paul..." you said quietly, as you opened the door, as he looked at you trying to compose himself, as you stepped into the bathroom, holding your arms out.

He immediately went into your arms, as he wrapped his arms around you, his face buried in your neck, trying to control his breathing.

You ran your hands across his back.

"I don't want to lose him y/n." he whispered, as you kissed the side of his face.

"You won't. You scared the hell out of Pam and Evan loves coming to visit you. The times that I subbed for his class he wouldn't stop talking about you. Your son loves you Paul." You said, as you pulled away.

"I heard what you said before I walked up. I'm glad that I have someone that I know will back me up. Thank you." Paul said as he went to look at his reflection in the mirror wiping his face, and sighing.

"Hey, we all have crap we have to deal with. Might as well deal with it together right?" you asked rhetorically.

"I'll give you a couple minutes. I'm gonna go see what Evan wants for dinner." You said, as you walked out of the bathroom, and out into the living room where Evan was sitting on the floor watching cartoons, and sitting next to him.

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