Part 19

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You turned off the sink, you looked back at Paul and had to take a double take at the expression on his face.

Not the eerily calm scary face that you had seen when he was made at someone else. No, this was outright anger plain on his face, directed at you.

"So you don't listen to the doctor's orders at all and are snooping on conversations y/n?" he asked as he slammed the containers down, as shards of glass went flying. Paul stepped away from the table with a hiss as one of his hands went to the other covering it, as blood started to stream down his arm.

"Paul, let me--" you said, as Paul started laughing as he looked down at his hand.

"Funny last time I was bleeding it was because of your psycho ex-boyfriend. Oh, it's not a problem." Paul said as he walked out into the back and squatted down by the pool and placed his hand in it, as you looked out in the backyard and saw that Larry had the same expression on his face that you did.


"See it's all good babe, all clean." Paul said as he waved his hand to you as he went back to the food that was still left out on the tables.

"Oh, they didn't get to enjoy any of this. Don't mind if i do." Paul said as he walked over to the blender that was still full of margarita mix and took off the plastic top.

"Do you guys want any? Oh right, you can't. Since I was stupid enough to try and convince you to switch up your career to have babies with me, right right." Paul said as he nodded then put the blender to his mouth gulping down the blended margarita mix.

Putting the blender down on the table and wiping his mouth.

"This isn't strong enough, it needs more tequila." Paul said, as he bent down and opened up the bottle of tequila pouring the entire bottle into the blender. Swirling the blender around, in a lazy attempt at mixing the tequila in with the blended mix and gulping more of it down.

"You stay here with him, I'm going to call Eric and Tommy back to help calm him down." Larry whispered, as he walked past you.

You looked over at him, feeling as if you didn't want to be left alone with Paul. Which had never been a feeling that had ever crossed your mind before. But seeing him like this. He had been around you drunk before. But never angry and drunk.

"Where is he going? Off to be a bad bodyguard somewhere else?" Paul questioned, not at you but where the open sliding glass door was as you heard from inside Larry talking on the phone quickly.

You were looking in the direction of the sliding glass door not noticing Paul staring at you. Until you saw something in your peripheral vision and saw that Paul was walking up to you slowly as you moved away, at his bloody hand coming up to your face.

"Stop, you need to get stitches. You need to go to the hospital." You said, as you grimaced against Paul's hand swiping across your face and then landing on your shoulder. Covering part of your face with his blood and then your shoulder.

"What the hell is your problem exactly with me? I wasn't the one that got into it with Gene, it was you." you said, as you pushed his hand off of your shoulder, as you wiped the blood from your face as he smirked.

"You didn't have any objections before when this was directed at Gene but now you're pissed. Plus I don't think you've ever complained when certain other bodily fluids of mine were all over you y/n." he said as his smirk got wider, as you looked at him longer.

That was until you slapped him so hard across the face, with your left hand, feeling both rings on your ring finger hit harder across his face. Like you had wanted it to, since you were right handed but you wanted it to hurt him more.

You pulled your hand away, as you watched Paul clutch the side of face for just a second.

And then started to laugh and was looking down at you.

"Well sweetheart if someone wants to get feisty I can deal with that." he said as he started to walk towards you again.

"No, Larr-" you started to say as your mouth was covered by Paul's hand, as he pulled your back against his front.

"Let's not get Larry involved in something he shouldn't sweetheart." he whispered in your ear, as you felt like you couldn't move from his hold.

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