Part 11

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1 month later...

You were typing away on your laptop working on an assignment, as Paul walked into the house taking off his tank top. As you didn't take your eyes off the laptop.

"Shoes off." you said, as you saw Paul jump in your peripheral vision, then shake his head as he started laughing, as he toed off his shoes before walking to you kiss the top of your head. And then walked to the fridge to drink some water.

"Are you still sure you don't want to join me sometime?" Paul asked, as he went to sit next to you.

"I don't know if you would be down for a 5am workout before I have to go and sub." You said as you were typing away.

"Oh, I'm sure I could be up for a 5am workout, just not the usual one." he said as you saw him tilt his head and smirk at you, as he went to drink more water.

You smiled as you continued typing, as the screen moved towards you as Paul was pushing the screen closed.

"Hey I was working on that!" You said as you turned to look at him, a smile on your face.

"You know i've noticed quite recently you've decided to stop wearing shirts around me since we decided to start trying. Or is that just me?" You questioned, as you went to open up the laptop, as Paul put his hand on top of it.

"I get you have work to do. But it's the weekend. I was thinking maybe we could go somewhere? Or do something?" Paul asked, as you narrowed your eyes at him.

"You do realize that I know what you're getting at. This isn't the first weekend you've dragged me away to this computer caveman style up to the master bedroom where we don't emerge until monday morning." You pointed out as Paul smiled.

"You said it, not me." He said as he grabbed you over his shoulder, as you started laughing.

As a knock was at the door, as Paul turned to answer the door.

"You seriously aren't answering the door with my face level to your ass?" You asked, as Paul smirked down at you.

"Like you're really complaining. You love my ass." he said, as he felt you trying to get out of his hold, as he went to open the door.

"Hey Eric what's up?" he asked, as you looked at Eric, as he blinked unphased by you hanging by your feet off Paul's back.

"I need your advice. But first take y/n off your back, go take a shower you smell. This booty call can wait." Eric said walking into the house as he shooed Paul, as Paul laughed setting your down, as he went up the stairs to take a quick shower.

"You ok?" you asked as you went to sit back down on the couch.

" I don't know I'm freaking out. I need your advice. It's about Amanda and I know I shouldn't be asking you about her since you're her friend. But I'm just so stressed." he said as you smiled.

"Well I know her well. What's wrong?" you asked.

"It's just I don't know where we are in this 'relationship'" he air-quoted, as he gagged at saying the word relationship.

"Well she's moved in. I know from personal experience she can be alot. But you know so are you. So..." you replied, as you looked up at Eric as he looked shocked at you.

"I'm too much to handle?" he said, as his face broke out into a smile, as you heard creaking on the stairs as Paul was walking down, hair still slightly damp, wearing a black shirt and black jeans.

You had been trying to get him to mix up his wardrobe since you came back from the honeymoon, but you couldn't deny that that look was all him.

"So what's up? Trouble in paradise?" Paul asked, as you smiled.

"Everything is going too well." Eric admitted as he looked from you and to Paul.

"You're waiting for the other shoe to drop. Dude, if everything is fine don't question it." Paul said encouragingly.

"Uh huh. Says the guy that's happily married. Which reminds me how it is going on the baby front?" Eric asked, as he looked at both of you with a smile on his face.

"You realize I have to report back to Tommy and Amanda they are both wanting to know." Eric said as Paul raised a brow at him.

"What do you think you interrupted?" he asked, as he patted Eric on the shoulder as you felt your face heat up at Paul's bluntness.


You were typing away working on a paper at a local coffee shop that was close to Paul's gym to get you out of the house. It was your way of appeasing Paul, and you realized that getting in a different environment did help with you getting your work done quicker. Leaving you more time with Paul, other than in bed of course.

He had tried to get you to go on hikes with him into the hollywood hills, get your brain in a different mode. Which was helpful.

You shook your head to yourself just thinking about what he was going to rope you into after leaving when he was done with his workout today. As you were typing away trying to get a good chunk of this paper done, as you stopped to sip at your coffee.

When you felt the sensation of eyes staring at you, as you looked over your laptop and saw a man looking directly at you eerily. At first you didn't think anything of it and went back to your work, thinking maybe the man was looking not at you but towards the door, maybe watching and waiting for someone to meet up with him?

You continued on your work, stopping every so often to take a sip of your coffee and every time your eyes connected with his, making you start to feel uneasy. That was until he went back to his laptop and started typing away, as you sighed in relief. Thinking that your mind was just playing tricks on you.

Your overreacting stop it. You thought, as your computer dinged with a message, as you didn't click it since you were in the zone working on your paper as you felt a hand land on your shoulder. You jumped at the contact and looked up and saw that it was Paul, covered in a sheen of sweat.

"Hey, you want something before we go?" he asked, with a smile on his face, as you tried to get control of your heart rate.

"Just tea. That is if you're going to take me somewhere." You hinted at as he smiled, as he ordered himself a coffee and a tea, as you went to close your laptop and looked across from your table and saw that the man that had been sitting in the corner wasn't at the table anymore, and nowhere else in the coffeeshop.

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