Part 13

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Opening your eyes, you saw Paul standing over you, as he was putting another blanket over you.

"Good you're awake." He said as you saw the worry still on his face.

"What happened?"

"I heard you scream from the bedroom waking me up and I ran downstairs and saw you were going down. I tried to get to you, but you still went down and hit the back of your head on the coffee table." Paul said as he gingerly went to adjust the pillow behind your head, as you realized that the back of your head still felt numb.

"I hit my head really?" You asked as Paul nodded his head.

"You scared me y/n. Thought you know we wouldn't make it a regular thing to come back here." Paul said as you smiled at him.

"I think i need to be wrapped in bubble wrap apparently." You joked, as Paul shook his head.

"And the corners of everything right?" He joked, as you could still see that he was worried, but still tried to make jokes to make you feel better as you laughed, clutching at the back of your head where the stitches were at.

"Ow ow ow, ok don't make me laugh." You said, as Paul smiled down at you, as he went to sit next to your bed in a chair, just as the doctor was coming in to look at your chart.

"Good you're awake. It's looking like everything is fine other than the stitches from your fall. Now, i did want to disclose something, is that alright?" He asked, as he looked from you, to Paul and back at you.

"Yes, its fine, he's my husband." You said as you felt Paul's hand take yours and give it a reassuring squeeze.

"Well it's protocol to give all the tests when someone comes in for an emergency. And it looked like some of your levels in your blood work indicate that you are more than a few weeks into a pregnancy. And I wanted to come and tell you to let you know since it didn't seem like your other levels indicated that you were taking any vitamins or prenatals. So I assumed that you were not aware. But there will be an ultrasound done shortly, so the tech will be coming in to do that. Make sure everything is okay. Is that alright?" He asked,as you were still trying to process everything, feeling Paul's hand still in yours and somehow feeling as if he was squeezing your hand harder than before.

Your eyes were focused on a spot in front of you. Where your feet were under the two thin hospital blankets, unmoving.

Pregnant. You were pregnant. And not just a month had gone by since your conversation about it with Paul. When it hit you.

"You said a few weeks along? How many?" You asked, as the doctor adjusted your chart in his hands and looked down at it.

"At least around 5-6 weeks. Long enough to where you would be able to hear the heartbeat today actually during the ultrasound. Any other questions you two have for me?" He asked, as you looked up at the doctor and then at Paul.

Who looked like he hadn't blinked in over 2 minutes.

"Um, if we do, is it ok if we buzz you or a nurse?" You asked, knowing that you both probably wanted time to process this information.

"Yes, I'll make sure to have a nurse come in in a few minutes to check on your two before the ultrasound tech comes to take you." He said as he smiled and stepped out of the room, closing the sliding door as well as pulling the privacy curtain before leaving.

Once you heard the click of the door closed you looked at Paul.

"Holy shit I'm pregnant. You realize what this means?" You question, as you see a smile creep up on his face as he shot out of the chair.

"I KNEW IT! I KNEW MY BOYS COULD DO IT!" He shouted as you laughed, as he came around to look at you as you both smiled at each other as he came down to lay next to you on the bed. Kissing you between laughing.

"Um, I think we already had the idea you could, since Evan and everything." You pointed out as Paul smiled.

"Yeah but that was Pam and well you never know...but to know that your eggs aren't scrambled makes me happy." Paul joked as he put his hand on your stomach.

"He said 5-6 weeks, so does that mean..." you said trying to figure out when the baby was conceived.

"Honeymoon...most definitely." Paul said wiggling his eyebrows at you, as you laughed.

"Yeah but we used protection." You said simply as Paul smiled at you.

"Not every time. There was the time in the hot tub as well condoms and water kinda don't mix. I mean even if we of my boys made its way through." Paul said, as you rolled your eyes. The nurse came in to inform you that you were going to actually keep you in the room and that the ultrasound tech was going to come in shortly for the scan.

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