Part 8

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You were watching cartoons with Evan, as Paul emerged from the bathroom, looking as though nothing occurred minutes before.

"So I was thinking pizza for dinner. Does that sound good?" Paul asked, as he leaned over the couch looking down at the both of you that were sitting on the carpeted floor.

"Yeah you wanna do delivery or?" You asked as Evan laughed.

"Dad can make the pizza miss y/l/n..." Evan said as he giggled at you, as you sighed.

"Or course forgot. Your dad's like a superhero." You joked, as you got up on your feet, going out to the backyard where the huge pizza oven was next to the patio furniture and outdoor bar.

You saw that he already had the ingredients out in 3 separate bowls and was pulling up a stepping stool for Evan.

"Oh so we're making our own pizza dough." You stated, as Paul helped Evan to step on the stool, as Evan got to work on mixing but the ingredients in his bowl.

"apparently I'm the only one that doesn't know what to do." You said laughing nervously, as you watched Evan, as you felt Paul stand behind you.

"You just mix the ingredients together until they form a ball, then put it out onto the board and roll it out. It's forming it, that's the real trick" Paul said, as you felt his hand graze your hip.

You looked up and saw that he moved to work next to Evan, a slight smirk on his face, as you rolled your eyes. You worked your mixture quickly into a dough ball, then slapped some of the flour onto the counter in front of you.

Evan plopped his ball of dough out aggressively making flour poof up as you coughed, fanning your hand out and seeing that all three of you were doused with flour.

Evan giggled, as you looked at him.

"Did you do that on purpose?" you asked, a smile on your face, as your hand was going towards your flour, as he saw the slight movement and hopped off the stool. You started chasing him around the patio seating, as he laughed.

That was until he turned and started being the one to chase you as you scrambled to run the opposite direction. And in doing so running into Paul, who caught you as he laughed, covering you in more flour that his hands were covered in.

"I see that I have two kids in the house today." Paul said, as he took his hand, running it down your side quickly, and then squeezing your ass before placing his hand flat against your ass before you could move away.

Because you didn't want Evan to get uncomfortable.

But luckily for you Evan was already back at his spot on the stool working on his dough and flattening it out.

"Wow he really doesn't get his focus go for too long does he?" You asked rhetorically, as you shook your head going back to your station to roll out your dough.

"I'm going to change. Hopefully Evan can fill you in on how to toss the dough out." Paul said, as he went to kiss the side of your face before going up to the bedroom to change his clothes, as he looked back at you seeing the perfectly formed handprint of his on your ass and chuckled.

Which you could hear, as you looked over at the sliding door and saw him watching you with a smirk on his face as he wiggled his eyebrows. Which made you flush, looking down at your dough trying to your head out of the gutter.


Paul walked out into the backyard, watching you interact with Evan, as you were watching how he was holding the dough forming it on the board before going to flip it up in the air and catch it, making him smile.

"So I see that you're taking some mental notes." he said as he walked up to the two of you, as you smiled nervously.

"Yeah well I don't want to drop my dinner on the ground." You said as Evan formed his perfectly and put it on the board for when Paul was ready to put all the pizzas in the pizza oven.

And walked off to sit at one of the chairs and play with his toys that were on the table.

"I can help you." Paul said with a smile, as you narrowed your eyes at him.

"Ugh mr. handsy. I watched Evan, I know how to do it." You said as you formed your dough, rolling it out one more time before taking it into your hands and throwing it up in the air and catching it. As you looked at Paul with a smile.

"See, I told you." You said simply as Paul shook his head as he went to do his, as you went to sit down across from Evan.

You wanted to play with the toys with Evan but everytime you would, you would catch in your peripheral vision Paul flipping his dough multiple times, which lead you to look at him.

And for sure it was different experience watching him flip out the dough, as you watched as his wrists flicked sending the dough up in the air, as he held his arms up, which were showing more due to the henley shirt that he changed into that had the sleeves rolled up to the elbows and all the buttons on the front undo, showing off his chest.

You had to get up to get some water because your throat dried up, as your mind went straight into the gutter.

"I'm going to get something to drink, anyone want anything?" You asked, as Evan didn't look away from his toys.

"Juice please." he said, as your eye flicked over to Paul, as he turned slightly to look at you with a smile on his face as he was placing his dough on the board next to yours and Evan's.

"There's a bottle of wine in the fridge." he said, as you smiled, walked back into the house, grabbing the bottle, two wine glasses and a juice for Evan, as well as the bottle opener.

You came back out, hands full, watching Paul put on the sauce and toppings on each pizza, as Evan was playing with his toys.

You set the wine glasses down and put the juice in front of Evan and proceeded to open the wine bottle with a satisfying pop.

And you knew that you had to watch your alcohol consumption around Paul, because many times that made the nights interesting but you didn't want to do that while Evan was around.

So you knew Paul had something up his sleeve.

Learning to Love What We Are (learning from love sequel)Where stories live. Discover now