Part 16

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"You didn't get streamers right? That's gonna be too obvious." You said from the couch, as Paul was opening up bags in the kitchen full of things for the party.

"Well no, I didn't but I did get you margarita mix" Paul said as you whipped your head away from the tv to look at him.

"You got me a margarita mix when i'm pregnant?" you questioned, rethinking immediately if it was the best decision to marry the man that was standing in the kitchen.

"You're really questioning my intelligence aren't you? I got two different kinds. Pre-mixed with alcohol already in it. And just the mixer so you can have virgin margaritas." he said with a wink.

"I feel like that's gonna be a reason for Amanda to start questioning things." You pointed out, as Paul smiled.

"Well then if she just gets it before we announce it the job is done." Paul said as he continued taking items out of bags for the barbecue today.


"Alright before anyone shows up. You're staying in this chair." Paul said as he pulled out one of the patio chairs out for you before he put a small pillow for you.

You smiled at his attentiveness, as you went to sit down.

"You have to make sure that you have 2 blenders for the margaritas since everyone else is having the regular ones and I'm having virgin ones." You pointed out as he was getting all the meat out and placing it next to the grill and marinating them.

"Hey, just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I can't help." You said as Paul smiled and went to sit next to you, bringing all the meat so you both can work on marinating the ribs and steaks and burgers.


10 minutes later...

You were finishing up on the marinating as the side patio entrance door opened up and Tommy, Eric and Amanda walked in all carrying containers of alcohol.

You immediately wanted to pout at the fact that you wouldn't be able to enjoy the alcohol, as you felt a poke on your arm. You looked at Paul, who was smiling at you.

"You'll be fine. I'll just drink for you k?" he said as you smiled.

"Yeah that's going to be great later me puking and then you puking from the alcohol." You said as you were laughing, as Paul rolled his eyes.

Taking the meat from the table as Tommy and Eric went immediately to the barbecue where Paul was starting to cook all the meat.

"So I convinced Eric to stop at a liquor store to get some stuff but I see that you've already have that covered." Amanda said as she went to sit with you, as she nodded in the direction of the multiple blenders that were plugged in.

"Yeah, we thought everyone would be down for margaritas. But if you want something else..." you start to say, trying to get off the topic of drinking.

"No margaritas are fine. We can leave that stuff here for you guys or take it home with us afterwards." Amanda said as she went up to get one of the blended margaritas, and went to grab one for you as well.

She set yours down in front of you and started sipping at hers.

"So what's new in your life?" she asked, as you felt your face heat up at the question.

"Nothing much really, just you know going to school to get my masters online while also subbing. Just normal life." You said, as you saw Amanda pout, and pat your hand.

"I totally get not talking about it." she said as your mind went on the offensive.

"She knows! She knows, Paul couldn't hide the secret and told Eric, who told her right afterwards!" You thought, as you felt your face heat up further but in anger, because why in any universe would you not want to talk about your pregnancy.

"What?" you questioned instead, as Amanda leaned forward.

"About Andrew and the videotaping and also the mysterious chatting at that coffeeshop." She said as she sighed, and you did as well as you grabbed for the cup and started sipping at the drink, tasting the alcohol as it touched your tongue and you wanted to spit it out on contact. But instead you pretended to sip at it again through the straw but spat the drink back into the cup through straw.

"Yes, that was awful." you said as you avoided eye contact and played around with the straw, feeling the tension in your chest at the memory of what occurred a week ago.

"Well at least you have Larry here for a bit and doesn't look like the stitches are going to be leaving a scar." Amanda mentioned, gesturing to your scalp.

"Yes, thankfully." You said as you put your hand on your head with a laugh.

"Smells like the food is ready." Amanda commented, as you both looked over at the barbecue that was surrounded by all the guys as they were drinking and talking.

"Don't have to get up, I'll make you a plate." Paul commented as he put a couple pork ribs on your plate and some chicken, and another plate full of salad for you.

"Hmmm, i thought you didn't like pork." Amanda commented as she got up, giving a look at Eric, since Paul was making you up a plate of food.

"Yeah well we've been playing around with marinades and I found one that's pretty good." you said as Paul put both plates in front of you as you passed him your margarita.

"Throw it out, she gave me one with alcohol in it." You whispered to Paul, as he quickly went to get you a virgin margarita and threw out the alcohol version.

"What are you doing?" Amanda questioned Paul as he was putting another margarita in front of you.

"Giving y/n a margarita." Paul said matter-of-factly in a calm voice.

Don't know how he's holding it together. You thought, as you sighed, making a point of checking the denim jacket that you were wearing from hiding the shirt that you wore that would reveal your little secret.

"Uh huh. Because its normal for you to throw out a full margarita and y/n is eating pork apparently." Amanda said narrowing her eyes at the both of you.

You looked up at Paul with a sigh.

"Think we should just...." you started as you smiled, unbuttoning your denim jacket and moved it to the side as you saw Amanda's eyes bug out at the shirt that you were wearing.

That heard "the 5th member of kiss" with an arrow to your thin stomach.

"What? You're pregnant!" Amanda shouted as she covered her mouth as she laughed. Which caused Eric and Tommy to look in your direction and walk over.

"Wait, wait, wait. You got her knocked up?" Eric questioned, as Tommy hit him in the back of the head at his comment.

"Sorry restatement. Congratulations on the baby guys." Eric said immediately after as Tommy smiled at the two of you.

"Congrats, guys after all you've been through you guys need a little happy news like this." Tommy said, as he went to hug you.

You jumped at the sound of the side-gate closing loudly, as you all looked in the direction of the side-gate and saw Gene standing there with a frown on his face.

"Happy news? I would love to hear some happy news since I wasn't invited to this get-together." Gene said as he frowned at everyone.

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