Chapter 11 - Vampire's

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January 16th, 2010

"Listen Fred." I began saying in annoyance as I stare at the vampire in front of me. "I'm not threatening you okay? But it's in your best interest to back the fuck off."

"Says the pathetic human." He snarls as his fangs come out.

Rolling my eyes I bare mine and my hand wraps around his throat, slamming him into the wall and snarl. "Human am I?"

"What the fuck.." Fredrick snaps as he pushes my hand off his throat.

He's lucky I'm not trying to kill him. "Just leave town man. None of us want you in Mystic Falls and I doubt you wanna deal with all of us."

"True." Rebekah says with a chuckle as she tilts her head. "Besides, Kat is arriving sometime  next week. Oh, I can't wait to see how Elena handles that. Do you think she'll play along with the whole twin thing?"

"She might, Stefan is another story though." I mutter as I scratch my chin as I eye Fred with disdain. "And my Uncle is supposed to arrive sometime this week."

"Ah, the vampire hunting uncle right?" Rebekah asks with a frown. "He's not going to like it when he comes home to two thirds of the house being vampires. If we even qualify as vampires anymore that is."

"We still drink blood, so I'm quite sure that it counts dear sister." Kol says with an eye roll as he rips off a vampires head as he walks out of the shadows. "Although, I do wonder how our sire lines have faired through that whole unfortunate endeavor. Do you think they became human again?"

"You got your magic back. Stop bitching." Bonnie says as she walks out from behind him, with Damon a step behind them both looking amused.

"Says the vampire witch." Finn says amused as he glances at Jenna. "Although, to be fair, Kol and I are also vampire witches now as well."

"I don't understand." Fred responds with a growl as he stands defensively while watching us all closely. "Who are all of you?"

"It really depends on your choices." I mutter out loud as I rub the stubble on my chin as I frown.

Rebekah nods from beside me. "We could be an ally."

"an enemy." Damon says boredly.

Kol snorts as he eyes Fred. "I vote we kill him."

Turning back towards Fred I bare my fangs. "Or we could be your worst fucking nightmare. We're not too picky, really. We just have standards that we need to have upheld and if you can't hold them then you need to get the fuck out of town."

"You're not the boss of us. We were here first." Fred snaps back with a snarl as Kol appears beside him, baseball bat in hand as he then whacks him in the head sharply, causing the vampires head to go flying off of his body.

"Well, it seems our strength grew too." Kol says impressed as he looks at his baseball arm and makes a face. "I like it."


January 30th, 2010

"What time is your Uncle supposed to be here?" Jenna asks as she looks at her watch annoyed. "I have plans with Finn later and you know your sister is busy causing incidents with vampires along with her vampire boyfriend."

She has been pretty busy after all, they've been preparing for the worst case scenario's lately. We have only tested the stake in the chest, luckily we don't die. But we do destat a bit and everything, but once the stake is removed then bam, back to normal. That was tested with a white oak. That whole situation was a little bit fucked up though.

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