Chapter 5 - The Coffins

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Chicago - Warehouse

When we got to the warehouse it was early in the morning. The warehouse was large and the inside of it is basically concrete, there are multiple boxes stacked on top of shelves all across the building. .

"Are we sure that they're here?" Mason asks confused as we search the room.

We find another door hidden behind a few dozen rows, walking around them and opening the door the compelled criminals follow behind us as we make our way into the large back room.

Looking around we start opening up the coffins and checking to see who's inside. "Here it is." I mutter when I find the one that won't open at all.

"Found it." I say loudly, they quickly make their way over "This one won't open, that means that this one is their mother."

"Alright, lets go find a boat and drop it down." Damon says in annoyance "The sooner we get it out of the way the better."

"I couldn't agree more. We don't exactly want you vamps to become extinct and be over ran by werewolves now do we?"

Mason snorts then and I chuckle "No offense man, we really should find a way for you to be in control of your wolf though."

Without the whole hybrid thing going on of course. By the time we had a transporter truck outside and the coffin inside we had pulled out the daggers from all of them. It'll be more beneficial to just dump them out in the ocean as well.

That's where we had to plan ahead, we needed to make sure there wouldn't be any trouble getting the coffin and daggers onto the ship and having them be dumped out at sea even if a detour was required. We basically had to have everyone that was in control of the ship or a crew member compelled to make sure it happens before it goes back on course.

So here we are patiently or impatiently waiting for the Mikaelson's to finally wake up. All of the compelled criminals are waiting in front of the coffins, they won't scream, run or fight back.

When the three of them finally woke from their forced slumber it was utter chaos, lots of messy blood all over the place, by the time they settled down and were fed their attention turned to us. However Kol and Rebekah both bared their fangs at Katherine. But that was to be expected.

"Katherine" Rebekah snaps first "What do you want?"

"I don't want anything, he wanted us to wake all of you." Katherine says with a huff as she points at me "Well, I would like it if your brother stopped trying to hunt me. It's been 500 years already."

"What do you mean him darling?" Kol asks as the siblings glance at me curiously.

"Yes, who might you be?" Rebekah asks as she walks towards me as she checks me out curiously.

"The name is Jeremy Gilbert, it's wonderful to meet you." I say with a smirk as I put my hands in my pocket.

"Where is mother's coffin?" Finn asks curiously as he looks around with a frown.

"There were only three coffins when we got here."

The siblings glance at each other and shrug "I'm assuming Elijah is still roaming free?" Kol asks curiously as we start making our way out of the warehouse.

"Yes, we haven't ran into him either so he doesn't know that we let you out."

"Where are the daggers?" Rebekah asks darkly as she quickly vamps in front of us with Kol, both them crouched defensively.

"We destroyed them." Katherine says while staring at them boredly.

"More like we floated them into the middle of the ocean somewhere that even we don't know." Damon adds.

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