Chapter 14 - Doppelgänger's

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February 15th, 2010 - Monday

We were all laid out on the cellar of the Boarding house, Stefan remaining in his cell from previously. The sound of walking on the cellar steps were heard. Honestly, we've been rather poor students lately. We will need to make sure to go tomorrow.

Glancing over towards the steps we saw Katerina, her heeled boot covered feet and her wearing a pair of skinny jeans with a dark navy tank top with a light weight leather jacket over it.

"I told you that I would be here today." She says as she moves to sit down on the second to last step. "Why do you all look so surprised?"

"Probably because you're not exactly known as reliable Katerina." Rebekah says flatly as she rolls her eyes, my hand slips into hers and I give it a light squeeze causing her to sigh softly and mumble under her breathe about the 500 year old vampire.

She snorts as she looks at Rebekah boredly. "Well, if it keeps me from being killed by your family then why wouldn't I be here? I am selfish, remember?"

"Oh darling." Kol says with a grin as he rubs his eye from having been asleep. "I think we all remember that fact perfectly."

"From what I heard you're rather selfish yourself Kol Mikaelson." Katerina says flatly as her eyes go to Elena. "So, have you gotten to meet your mother dearest yet?"

Elena's eye bulge and she frantically shakes her head. "No, I uh, I didn't even tell anyone that she wanted to meet with me. Although Alaric knows about vampires too, he thought my mom, his wife was killed by one. But he didn't know that she came back from what he said anyways."

My eyes move towards Rebekah's and then I glance around at everyone else. It was Damon who spoke up though. "You know the bitch wants don't you?"

"The Gilbert Device." I answer with a nod as I shrug my shoulders. "She won't be able to get it though. Pearl and her daughter, along with the majority of the tomb vampires left Mystic Falls for greener pastures after our little encounter with Fredrick. Naturally they took it with them."

"Seriously?" Katerina asks as she gaps at me. "Just like that? I thought that they were obsessed with this town."

"Until they meet the new Vampires in town perhaps." Bonnie answers stiffly as she keeps her eyes narrowed on the vampire. "But, if you can't kill them and you want to sometimes the best option is to cut your losses and just leave. So, that's what they did."

"Yes, they didn't even take that much convincing really. It was a shame." Kol says with a frown before shrugging.

"So." Katherine says with a frown. "The Gilbert device is no longer in Mystic Falls? And what new vampires? I don't understand.."

Damon huffs at the same time as Bekah. Then the older Salvatore retorts in annoyance. "You're more then free to search the town stone by stone Katherine. And you don't need to know anymore then you already do."

"Why is Katherine here?" Stefan asks as he quickly gets to his feet and then slams himself against the door angrily. "Get her out of here."

"I'm here to help my doppelgänger and the Mikaelson's, Stefan." Katerina says with an eye roll. "Which means that I'm sort of helping you too I guess."

Stefan scowls at her through the cell door. "As if I would trust you."

"Unfortunately Stefan, it's not about whether or not you would trust her." Damon says with a frown. "You wouldn't listen when I tried to tell you that I wasn't the bad guy, or that I didn't want to open the tomb. We are working with her. Maybe it'll give us all a better ending."

"You wanted to open that tomb for over a century Damon." Stefan snaps angrily at his brother, however his strength remains low from refusing to drink any blood so it was a bit more raspy then it was loud.

"Things change Stefan." Damon says back sharply as I grab Bekah by the hand gently and slowly pull her from the cellar.

We pass Katerina on the steps, however she doesn't move from her spot as we side step her. Opening the door we walk in to the living room of the boarding house, my arms wrap around her waist as we settle on to one of the couches.

Moving her hair from the side of her neck I begin to kiss her along the baseline of her throat. She lets out a low moan as my lips trail up to her lips. I could taste the watermelon of her lip gloss and the warmth of her saliva in her mouth as we kissed. My hands roam along her sides from underneath her shirt, the tip of my fingers grazing her breast as our position changes and she's on my lap with her legs spread out at my sides. One of my free hands move to her hair and I gently grip her hair as our kissing becomes more desperate.

Then the cellar door is slammed open by a fuming Bonnie and Damon, followed by the other members of our group of friends. A group of friends that now includes my sister/cousin.

"He is so infuriating." Bonnie mumbles under her breathe as Elena and Caroline go over and try to calm her down. "Why is he so stubborn? Haven't we proven that we are doing this for literally everyone? We could let this town burn."

"Stefan has always thought that he knew best, even when he doesn't. It probably has to do with being the favorite child." Damon says with a shrug of his shoulders.

Rebekah and Kol turn to Finn and raise their eyebrows. Like 'see, this is what we mean.' Finn frowns, "I never really thought our parents had favorites."

"That's because you were the favorite child." Kol says with a frown. "And Elijah. Father adored Bekah though."

"Likely because of what happened to Freya." Bekah says with a frown as she repositions herself on my lap.

"So." I begin as silence seems to drag. "Are you getting a twin Lena?"

Elena huffs and shrugs her shoulders. "Yup and she's going with me to meet Isobel tonight along with Kol. Which Stefan really didn't like. He thinks that they might end up killing me."

"Doing so would be a waste." Katerina says boredly as she walks over towards the couch and sits. "If I screw this up little witchy will burn me alive I think."

"Oh I would." Bonnie says darkly as she crosses her arms over her chest, prompting Damon to put his hands on her shoulders and begin to give her a shoulder rub.

"Can you kids manage this yourselves?" I ask as I glance between them.

Kol throws a pillow at me as I grin. "I'm a thousand years older then you boy."

"Yet we're technically the same age." I retort amused, and I am, considering Bonnie was able to work out how to age me to my 19 years within the last week.

Although it is a bit unorthodox to think that a vampire/dead/undead could be aged either way regardless of magic. Bonnie has been doing a lot of research and experimenting though. Most of which we're not all privy to yet, except for Damon and occasionally Caroline. Just that she's trying to cover all the loopholes she can from what I've told her.

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