Chapter 9 - School Dances

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December 8th, 2009

It's been over a month since our first date, with many following along afterwords. But Rebekah and her brothers have taken to trying to talk me into turning into a vampire.

"Bekah." I tell her softly as I grab her hands gently. "I don't want you to regret it. You don't know me that well yet, it's been a month and a half and I adore you but.."

"If Niklaus finds us and figures out that you're responsible for removing us from our daggers then he will kill you, Jeremy. I know my brother." Rebekah says sternly as she begins to pace. "I don't want to see you dead, I .. well I do like you very much and it's not some childish, loose woman thing that my brothers like to claim."

I let out a small sigh and tug her into a hug, her body relaxes as I pull her close to me and place her head under my chin. "Bekah, I know you're not a loose woman okay? I understand that you're worried about me and I appreciate it. But until we can do more research then we can't determine the best way to do this. Bonnies barely came into her powers even if Kol is trying to loosely coach her but Damon is a bit monopolizing of her time and a bit of the jealous type."

"He's trying to get her out of her shell." Rebekah responds with a small giggle. "Your sister isn't too happy with the Bennett witch at the moment you know. Especially now that she knows all about what goes bump in the night."

"But yet she's all over the other Salvatore brother." I mutter back, nearly laughing at the hypocrisy. "Have you got the scoop on why it's pissing my sister off so much?"

"She thinks that Damon is a loose cannon and that Bonnie is being stupid for spending any time with him instead of her, Stefan and Caroline." She responds back with a whisper and a small giggle. "Although, your sister has been excluding poor Caroline an awful lot."

"You've taken her in haven't you?" I ask after a beat of silence and she shrugs with a grin.

"Perhaps I have. She just needs a bit more confidence anyways. Did you know Elena tried to warn me away when she found out?"

"I'm not surprised to be honest." I admit simply as I watch Rebekah in fascination as she talks excitedly about the drama from school.

She's taken to school like a niffler takes to gold or like Cicero takes to clinky, shiny, gold. Basically, they're almost the exact same.

Rolling my eyes I hold back a sigh. "Why is there always drama?"

Rebekah shrugs her shoulders and grins at me excitedly. "The dance is tonight right?"

I hum in response as I rub the stubble on my chin. "Yeah, I didn't really pay enough attention to find out what decade it's supposed to be though."

She rolls her eyes and then grins again. "Will you go with me? Please, Jeremy?"

Wrapping my arms around her shoulders I give her a kiss on the lips and then I pull back and sigh, throwing my hands up in mock frustration before winking at her. "Fine, fine. But.."

"No killing?" She offers in amusement.

Huffing I shake my head and unable to help it I chuckle in amusement. "Well.. no. I wasn't going to say that."

"0h. Humans are normally a bit squeamish when it comes to blood and all that." She says with a shrug and I chuckle.

"Blood isn't really my problem. I was going to say if you're going to bite anything at least don't kill it. Bodies lining up will become a bit suspicious yeah?"

"Tell that to Kol. He's the Gluten." Rebekah retorts as she walks to the bathroom.

I snort and mutter in morbid amusement. "Yeah.. Fat chance of that. He'd want to see how I'd do if he killed a group of people in front of me just for funsies."

Depending on the group I wouldn't care, but there are some cases or situations where it's just a Nope for me. But I've never been much for pointless killing in my last life either.


When we arrived at the school dance it was already packed with other students. Rebekah was wearing a stunning 50's dress in deep red with black buttons, her heals made her legs seem even longer then they already are. Bonnie was escorted in by both Damon and Kol who seem to be talking her ear off. My sister dearest was escorted in by Stefan rather easily.

One of the repeating issues we've seen is Stefan and Elena's suspicious behavior when it comes to me, the Mikaelson's and Damon. Of course, Damon did kind of a 180, and having decided not to go looking for her seems to have made him even more suspicious to his brother. When you add the rest of us.. well, it adds me as one of their suspicious characters as well. Aunt Jenna on the other hand was escorted in, not by Alaric," but by Finn who has started as a study hall teacher two weeks ago.

For us, the dance had gone well. In Stefan's case, considering their refusal to share what is going on when it comes to the whole vampire issue they're having they ended up needing to handle it alone. They hadn't told Damon, me or any of the Mikaelson's that they've been introduced too and, well unfortunately sharing is necessary when shit is going to hit the fan.

"I wish I hadn't missed the fifties." Rebekah whispers in my ear. "It seems like it could have been amazing."

Humming I spin her around and back to me. "I bet your presence in that time would've caused storms."

"Or explosions?" She asks with a wink causing me to chuckle.

"Or that."

"How about 50's movies?" She asks curiously as I hum again.

We've been going over movies by decade lately, considering she and her siblings haven't seen many. Next will be games by decade. Kol and Damon get quite into both.

"There's some good ones I guess. Some of it depends on what you'd consider good though dear."

"Hmm." She mumbles as she puts her red lips against my own.

Her lips are soft as they always are, like being caressed by velvet. The flavor of her breathe is a mix between a soft citrus and strawberry taste with a hint of summertime. For us the dance had went on without a hitch.

For Elena and Stefan? From the way my darling sister came home with a bloody lip and a slightly, nearly bruised up vampire boyfriend.  Of course we went through the motions of asking what happened only to not get any answers. Jenna having been made aware of the vampires already had already went through her initial freak out and has been struggling more with Elena's unwillingness to flat out tell us about vampires that we already know about.

Unfortunately we had already attempted the direct approach with them both. We got the whole 'vampires aren't real' bullshit speech and honestly, Damon and Kol thought it was hilarious considering both have flat out said that we all know about vampires. Which according to both Stefan and Elena is simply a big flat bluff.

But, as the saying goes for my sister and her vampire: If you make stupid choices then you win stupid prizes.

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