Chapter 16 - The Suit and The Hybrid

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March 24th, 2010

We had been preparing for the masquerade ball since it's announcement. All of us had our part in the plan. It was simple enough. Knock out the human hired to kidnap Elena, assuming that may still be occurring of course. Part two, find the vampire that is supposed to be there for the pick up. Three, compel or coerce said vampire to lead us to their current place of residence. Fourth, take over their little kidnapping and take over the meeting for Elijah.

After that everything is more or less up in the air and we'll wing it from there.

Elena will be attending the party on Kol's arm while Stefan and Katerina are going together. That whole thing was a mess and a half. In the end both Elena and Stefan had drifted apart and ended up in the arms of someone else. It didn't help that they began to fight and not in the kinky way either, more in the 'I want to wring your neck and kick your ass' type of way. Or at least that's how Elena was feeling, most likely because Stefan kept trying to boss her around when he found that her opinion of things now differed from his own.

Now, how Stefan and Kat ended up together is more of a mystery to me then anything else. They hate each other. Or perhaps they like to act like they hate each other.. who knows anymore?

Not I.

I frown at myself in mirror as I look at the suit on me. The color is nice, but aside from prom or perhaps my own wedding I really hate the fancy outfit crap. It feels a bit stuffy to me.

The masquerade started out alright, dancing and food. Rebekah looking hot as hell in the dress she picked out, goofing off, occasionally drinking blood from the occupants of the ball itself.

No one died, no Lockwood let loose their werewolf side or anything like that. Honestly, the night was rather mundane.

"I feel so nervous." Elena mumbles quietly as she stands by the steps of the Lockwood mansion.

"Do not fret darling." Kol says as he rubs her shoulders and then kisses her on the cheek. "If any true harm comes to you then I shall kill them all."

Her hand grips his as she lets out a sigh and turns towards him before kissing him on the side of the lips. "Promise, Kol?"

"Of course, darling."

An hour later we were rescuing Elena from the compelled human who had just answered Trevors call and waiting for the vampire in question to arrive.

"I hate being kidnapped." Elena says with a pout as Kol wraps an arm around her waist and kisses her forehead.

Between us it didn't take very long to get the location of their hideout from Trevor nor did it take very long to get Slaters number or convince him to find Niklaus and Elijah's number. It didn't take Bonnie more then two days to find a way for Elena to survive the ritual as a non human, nor did it take long for Elena to begin donating blood or give away some of her eggs so that the 'doppelgänger' bloodline continues on.

Perhaps the major change to her personality came from Kol himself, that's somewhat debatable and yet not entirely impossible. He helped her to grow in a short time and perhaps the change of influence helped her the most.

So, we waited for Elijah and Niklaus, neither of which were aware of the other arriving nor the plans that have been put in place.

"Hello, brother." Rebekah says flamboyantly as she sits on the couch as Elijah comes into the room poised in his suit. "Having a nice year?"

"Rebekah?" He asks poshly, his eyes not even bothering to look at the other people in the room. "I see Niklaus didn't drop you in the ocean like he claimed then."

"Of course not, brother." Kol says from the other side of the room, causing Elijah to jump just a fraction. "He would prefer to torture us by taking years off of our lives by letting the world pass us by would he not?"

Elijah freezes in place before slowly turning towards one of his younger brothers. "Kol. I'm surprised he let you out. He was quite upset with you when he daggered you."

Shrugging his shoulders he wraps his arms around Elena who was basically invisible to Elijah until then. Tilting his head, Elijah frowns just as hears Finn's voice drifting into the room, repriming someone for not informing him that they were performing a coup on a kidnapping and how it interferes with his campaign.

"Finn is also awake?" Elijah questions with confusion as he glances around the room. "He woke all of you then?"

"Oh no." I say with a grin. "That was actually me and Damon that did that. I just had an idea of where they were."

"And who are you?"

"I'm Jeremy."

"Jeremy." Finn asks flatly as he actually walks into the room with Aunt Jenna behind him. "Why didn't you inform me of the change in plans? It was supposed to be game night tonight, you were aware weren't you?"

Looking up at him I frown and then swear under my breathe for forgetting. "Shit. I forgot. Is everyone else on their way?"

"Yes." Jenna says as she sits down on the other side of me. "Caroline, Enzo, Stefan, Katerina and uh.. well to be honest somehow Tyler will be coming as well."

"Fuck." I mutter as I rub my face and then confusion sets in. "Wait.. Tyler?"

"Don't ask." Finn says with a frown. "Something to do with Kat and Stefan. Trust me, you don't want to know."

"What exactly is going on?" Elijah asks, his question going unanswered.

"Were they having a threesome?" Rebekah asks curiously just as I kiss her neck.

The way my Aunt covers her eyes was answer enough to that question. "You don't want to know."

"I'm impressed." Damon says with a nod from his chair. "Little bro is actually experimenting. Never thought I would see the day."

March 25th, 2010

By the time Klaus arrived it was well past 2am and the D&D game was going strong. Although by that point it was practically Katerina trying to have her character fuck her way out of danger when it came to their opponents. She kept rolling too low for that though and kept making them uncomfortable instead.

"Can I seduce the tree?" Kat asks when it came to her turn, just as Klaus walked in.

The funniest part of that was how he tripped over his steps after that. Although that could have been because he noticed his whole family was awake, not daggered and very engaged in a dice game.

"Would someone inform me why it appears that all of my siblings are somehow out of their coffins?" Klaus asks dangerously as he stalks into the room, a menacing air following behind him.

"Ope." I mutter quietly with slight amusement from beside Rebekah as she presses herself against me and my arm goes around her waist, as I kiss her forehead. "Looks like the big bad wolf is about to join the game."

Rebekah snorts beside me, causing Klaus' eyes to land on us as she whispers back amused. "Do you think he would make a good Barbarian?"

That's when Klaus frowns and I shrug my shoulders. "Maybe. It depends on if we want his real characteristics to show in the game, for all we know he would prefer to be a Dragonborn or something."

"Personally." Elijah says thoughtfully. "I believe that Niklaus could play a very good Half Orc Barbarian."

"If he's going to join us he is going to have to fill out a character sheet." Finn says with a sigh as he begins looking through his papers and then pulling one out, glancing at it and then handing it towards Klaus. "Come on, are you gonna join then?"

Cautiously Klaus walks forward and stops in front of the table looking skeptical as he grabs the paper and then he looks at all of his siblings with confusion. "D&D? Someone woke you all up to play D&D?"

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