Chapter 17 - Undead Lives

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May 16th, 2010

My arm was wrapped around Rebekah as I laid in the hotel bed beside her. The first full moon after Klaus arrived Elena was sacrificed after giving enough blood, then she was turned. Rebekah and I have been moving around ever sincethen. Not for any particular reason, just to do it.

Kat and Stefan 'broke up' not long after the sacrifice. Their relationship had quickly turned quite toxic. Afterwards Stefan went on some sort of bender and then moved shortly after that. Not long after Damon and Bonnie admitted they had started dating.

Kat and Elijah hooked up two weeks later which wasn't something that bothered Stefan.

December 26th, 2012

Kol and Elena had gotten married two weeks ago, the wedding itself was simple and elegant. It wasn't over the top and they have since been traveling around the world.

Niklaus spent most of his time running realistic campaigns with Finn for vampires and witches. Somehow it turned into some kind of murderhobo therapy.

"Ugh, I don't understand why I keep getting sick." Rebekah says with a scowl as she walks out of the bathroom looking ready to drain the next annoyance she sees.

Looking up at her from the papyrus script in my hands that is written in Ancient Egyptian, the scroll itself has something to do with dimensions and realities.

I frown at her before responding in confusion. "You, you couldn't be pregnant... right?"

She snorts and shakes her head in annoyance. "How could I? I died you remember yes?"

Shrugging my shoulders I frown, sitting the script down and placing my hands under my chin. "I.. I don't know. I didn't even know you could get sick. Maybe we should find a witch that can do like a medical check up or something?"

Rolling her eyes she grabs her phone and dials someone. "I keep throwing up." She says through the line. "Now, can she see me or not? Yes, I'm well aware that I'm a vampire thank you very much... how should I know? This has never happened to me before."

After she hangs up she turns towards me with a pout. "Davina will see me. According to Kol and Elena she is an amazing witch so.. she should be able to tell us what's wrong with me."

"Didn't Davina save Elena's ass.." I begin to say when Rebekah rolls her eyes. "What?"

"Davina has been helping them both channel magic, while Kol's been able to access is it wasn't until last year before their official engagement when Davina helped them both harness magic. How you can forget..."

"Hey, I'm human."

Rebekah raises an amused eyebrow. "We're vampire's.. not humans love."

Shrugging I walk over to her and wrap an arm around her waist. "We still have human tendencies and ways dearest, we just happened to have made ourselves more of the undead type."

July 22nd, 2013

Rebekah gave birth to a baby girl, her name... Zara Davina Gilbert-Mikaelson. My soon to be wife had picked the name out two months after finding out that she was going to be a mother. A few days before that Davina had managed to stop Rebekah from somehow miscarrying. The baby was our little Princess, just like her first name means.

January 1st, 2014

We had gotten married in November of 2013, the wedding was intimate despite Rebekah making it completely out of this world. Her dress was stunning and her hair was beautifully done, she looked like an Angel and our baby was the little flower girl (with help of Aunt Elena).

After that Babies seemed to become somewhat of a theme for the Mikaelson family following our wedding. Kol and Elena discovered that they were expecting twins while Bonnie and Damon were going to have a set as well.

Kat had just found out that she was going to have a baby a few days ago, so Elijah is through the roof excited about it. Caroline and Enzo already have three so far apparently and Stefan's wife, that we never met is going to be having one as well.

Finn and Jenna have so far not created a baby, but they host D&D twice a week for the whole group and at other times they keep what goes on quite private which is perfectly fine.

Klaus has been working with Marcel and has ended up engaged to Davina. They have their wedding planned out already and intend to marry next year.

July 22nd, 2023

"Come on dad, please." Zara asks with a pout. "I only want to look at the scripts."

Rubbing my temple I sigh. She has always been drawn to ancient texts, and I don't mean that lightly either. She's been caught reading ancient books of witchcraft that are older then the originals and older then Silas.

"Zara." I begin to scold when she runs to her room upset.

Rebekah walks out from the kitchen, Zara's little brother following behind her. "Is she wanting to get into the magic books again?"

Ericson snorts as he looks at me and his mom, he is only two years younger then Zara. "Of course she is, I think she would marry one of those books if she could."

"Eric." Rebekah says with a sigh. "Why must you two always fight."

"I'm not fighting. You know it's true. Sometimes I think that she should've been born during Ancient Egyptian times and been a high priestess or something." He says with a huff before going back in the kitchen to work on his homework.

September 27th, 2030

Zara sat inside of the Ancient temple as she looks over the texts again. Why does it feel like something is missing or left out of them? What has she overlooked. She lets out a small groan as she feels her cellphone vibrate again.

She knows that she shouldn't have ran off, but their family is so big that it can be stifling at times. It doesn't help that it feels like her dad has to continuously keep any harm at bay. Why are they always targets for something anyway?




Now, I'm either going to do a continuation with Zara where she ends up in

TVD 3rd, 4th or 6th season, in which case she will likely end up with Kai, Silas or someone else while trying to fix the timeline not understanding that it was her dads different personality that even made it like that.

TO 1st or 2nd season, she will try to fix the timeline and will most likely end up with Marcel or someone else.

Crossover where she ends up in an Alternate Universe.

Teen wolf

Harry Potter


The 100

The Walking Dead

The Witcher


The Mummy/The Mummy Returns

Other - something not mentioned above.


This is story completely done without a Sequel/Continuation.

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