Chapter 10 - Studying Witchcraft

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December 11th, 2009

I cross my arms as I stare at Damon in disbelief. Rubbing my temple I let out a small annoyed sigh. "So, they still think that you're trying to open the tomb? Even after being told, by all of us that you're not going to."

"Oh no." Damon says mockingly, with a bit of a pained smirk. "Apparently I've compelled everyone. According to them anyway. Didn't you know?"

Unable to help it I snort and shake my head. "God, why are they so stupidly strong headed? The Mikaelson's are vampires too, what do they think their nefarious plot is? World domination?"

"Nope." Damon says flatly as he rolls his eyes. "They're convinced me and Enzo are the masterminds of it all."

"Didn't Enzo leave around a month ago?" I ask with a groan as I run my hand over my recently trimmed hair. "Why are they such idiots?"

"My assumption is that their brains are stunted." Rebekah says as she takes a shot of bourbon, causing Damon to scowl at her and then roll his eyes before huffing.

Kol hums. "We're they dropped frequently on their heads as children perhaps?"

That's when my Aunt sighs. "I never thought I would say this but.. like, should we be the bad guys just for the hell of it? It's not like they're listening to anything we've been telling them are they?"

"I don't know if we have enough plot armor to survive being make believe bad guys." I say honestly causing them to look at each other and mutter 'plot armor?'. "Unless we can get ourselves enough. But that means that we need to be enhanced cause I vote not dying because of an annoying sister person and her man of the school year."

"What exactly is this 'plot armor that you speak of?' Kol asks in confusion as he tilts his head curiously. "Are we talking about medieval armor or mythical armor that we're going to have to steal or perhaps kill to get?"

"Well .. plot armor is when the main character or characters are able to survive dangerous or deadly situations that they otherwise couldn't or wouldn't be able to survive for the sake of the literal plot and story progression."

"And how do we acquire this indestructible armor?" Rebekah asks curiously as she frowns at me and then looks at her brothers. "We are already nearly indestructible. Except with a white oak stake."

"I'm also trying to avoid the scenario where the majority of your brothers and sisters die.." I add. "How do you make unkillable people truly unable to be killed? Because there's white oak trees, the whickery bridge is all white oak, like the sign."

"So, our goal is to make us all more unkillable?" Damon asks. "Although I can be killed by any stake so.."

"We can figure out something." Bonnie throws in as she tilts her head in thought. "The ancestors won't be happy though."

"The ancestors are never happy darling." Kol says with a shrug. "You could fix all of their problems and they'd still find some reason to  sit there and bitch at you or anyone else about it."

"Unfortunately, he's not wrong." Finn says in agreement. "But, it's not a common fix to remove the ancestors from your magic and doing so could have major consequences."

"Wonderful." Damon quips lowly as he shoots back a shot of bourbon.

"And how do we make the easily killable ones equally unable to be killed?" Finn asks as his hand tightens around Aunt Jenna's.

Bonnie clears her throat questionably, confusion clearly on her face. "Whose considered easily killable exactly or lacks this plot armor stuff?"

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