Chapter 12 - Competition's

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February 7th, 2010

"Rebekah I told you that if you wanna run for Miss Mystic Falls then I'd support you." I remind her as she lays underneath me, her body bare.

"But Caroline is running too and she really wants to beat Elena for it." She mutters back with a sigh as I position myself beside her and tuck her head against my chest. "God, your sister is getting on my nerves though. I want to strangle her. She thinks that I corrupted you when I'm beginning to wonder if perhaps you corrupted me."

"Elena kind of gets on everyone's nerves Bekah." I mutter as I kiss her temple as her bare leg lays across my own. "That's kind of her thing. Hmm, perhaps we corrupted each other?"

"And I would be starting in the competition late." Rebekah adds with an adorable pout as she moves off of me and crosses her arms over her chest. "Plus, I'm new in town so that knocks my chances down too."

Shrugging my shoulders I roll to my side. "It really depends on what you wanna do Bek's. You wanna run for Miss Mystic Falls then you do it and I'll be right beside you, but you need to get going then love because that's starts at noon today doesn't it?"

"Fine." She groans as she gets out of bed and begins to get dressed. "And I'm going to win. I think, you'll be my date of course. Or escort, whichever it is."

Getting up I begin to get dressed as well. "Yeah, I will. I'll be there."

"Okay, good. Thank you. And what about my brothers?"

"I'm quite sure they can't join the Miss Mystic Falls competition Bek."

She whacks me lightly on the back of the head and puts her hand on her hip. "You are insufferable. Now, that's not what I meant. What if Kol convinces Finn to go out and kill people?"

"To counter that dear, what if Finn gets Kol to join a monastery?" I ask back with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh god." Bekah says as she closes her eyes for a moment. "I think either possibility would be disastrous."

"But both are also unlikely." I point out as I give her a kiss on the forehead as we go to walk out of her room. "You know how Finn is and how Kol is. Both of them are equally as stubborn and unless Kol picked up a date from the high school the worst that he's going to do is decide to stab both Elijah and Niklaus when he sees them again well.. maybe Katherine too, but you know how he feels about her."

"You mean how we're lucky that he doesn't just stab your sister to death and call it a day?" She asks as we make our way to the kitchen.

I hum in response and nod. "Basically, yeah. According to Finn my sister strongly reminds them both of Tatia more then Katherine then."

"Tatia was.. while she wasn't bad she was rather selfish. She didn't know what or whom she wanted even though her focus should've been more on her young son then who she could bed." Rebekah says with a frown as she grabs some eggs and milk out of the fridge.

After breakfast she left so that she could start going through the process of becoming Miss Mystic Falls. It was until the afternoon when I was needed so that we could practice the dance at the Lockwood mansion.

"Hey Jeremy." Elena says as she glances towards Rebekah. "I haven't seen you or Aunt Jenna around too much lately. What have you guys been up to?"

"This and that." I answer back as we continue practicing the dance. "We kind of have a D&D group going on."

"With Bonnie and Caroline?" She asks with a frown as Stefan does something that causes her to chuckle. "And the new family? I didn't think that you or Aunt Jenna were interested in that sort of thing."

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