Chapter 13 - Games

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February 14th, 2010

It's been a week with Lexi, Elena and Enzo trying to help Stefan get over his blood issues. Which, part of it was spent with Stefan bleeding while strapped to the ceiling. Definitely was an interesting thing to witness considering it was Elena's timid suggestion when he went a bit crazy the day after he was locked in the cellar under the Boarding House.

"At least we know that the human blood is completely out of him now." Damon suggests awkwardly as Elena looks towards the door to the cellar longingly. "Not that I ever imagined literally draining the blood from my baby brother in the first place."

Elena frowns in concern as worry covers her features. "Is it really okay thaf we did that though? Shouldn't he just learn to - to control it and get used to it so that he doesn't.. he doesn't do that?"

"Is Princess Elena suggesting Stefan actually learn control?" Rebekah asks impressed as she sits down beside me on the couch opposite of my sister.

"Yes." Elena says sharply as she pouts at my Rebekah. "And I do not act like a princess, I just - well, I wasn't exactly told the whole truth from him now was I? I'm big on honesty you know and I didn't think that Stefan would lie to me like he did."

"I think that may have been more because he didn't actually know. At least when it came to Damon and all that. He knew about his own bloody blood issue." I say with a shrug.

"Why did you feed him your blood again darling?" Kol asks as he walks into the room with a dark happy look on his face and a baseball bat slung over his shoulder.

Elena shrugs her shoulders and looks at the ground awkwardly. "He was starving, I'm not exactly sure what happened. Someone got pissed off at him I guess and well, I felt kind of like I had to. I was really worried."

"Well, I'm sure that trying to catch a bunny to sacrifice wasn't something that crossed your mind either." Rebekah says with a shrug.

"What time is Finn supposed to get here with Jenna?" Kol asks as he sits down beside Elena, hardly paying her any attention as he grabs out his character sheet, notebook and dice. "I'm quite curious about what'll happen next."

"Are you sure that's what your curious about?" Damon asks with a raised eyebrow.

Kol huffs and crosses his arms over his chest. "Okay, so I maybe slightly curious about which part of the city my orc ended up in."

"That is why you shouldn't get drunk." Rebekah mutters amused.

"I can't help it." Kol says with a small whine. "My orc automatically gets drunk whenever there's alcohol around. Besides, you're one to talk. Your character got wasted too, then your character got pregnant. Mine didn't get pregnant."

"Well duh, Kol, your character is a male Orc and unless he can shape-shift his insides into having a uterus then he can't exactly pop out babies." Bekah says, her voice heavy with annoyance as she rolls her eyes.

"I mean, if he was one of those amphibians that change accordingly. You know, kind of like the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park, then it would be possible." I say as I shrug my shoulders.

"What's Jurassic Park?" The Mikaelson's in the room ask curiously.

Rubbing my chin I hold back a small sigh. "Sometimes I forget that you guys have missed out on a lot of movies and stuff like that. You both act so well adjusted sometimes that I don't really think about it."

It makes me wonder if Aunt Jenna has introduced Finn to the tv shows and movies that are out there yet. That's when we begin to hear Stefan yelling from the cellar on the lower level of the boarding house. Zach has been staying out of town since Stefan was brought back for being all blood crazy and all that.

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