Chapter 6 - Back In Mystic Falls

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Gilbert Residence

Aunt Jenna and Elena weren't very happy about me disappearing for about three weeks, but it's not like it was up to them to begin with. After we arrived in Mystic Falls the originals that were with us went to get a house. Of course, because everything else is subpar.

Damon dropped me off in front of the house very early in the morning and it's easy to say that if they didn't have those five cups of coffee they'd probably be passed out on the floor right now. I look at the refrigerator as they talk about their worries and fears, definitely viable certainly, but it's also unnecessary.

Then Elena is snapping her fingers in front of my face, damn, she's hot when she's pissed. We  do seem to have pretty good genes in this family.

"Are you high right now Jeremy?" She asks me annoyed as Aunt Jenna rubs her temples in irritation. "You missed Three weeks of school."

"Mr. Tanner is pissed off. He thinks that I'm a horrible guardian." Aunt Jenna mutters in agony, the poor woman sounds incredibly stressed out.

I let out a small sigh as I stand up and wrap an arm around their shoulders loosely, "Yeah, but Mr Tanner is an asshole. I understand that you were both very worried about me but I'm fine. I wasn't doing drugs or anything like that, but I did need to leave for a little while to help get my head on straight."

"Fine." They both say with a huff of annoyance as they cross their arms.

Aunt Jenna lets out a sigh as she glances at me, a small frown on her face "We worry about you, we don't want you to be getting yourself into trouble."

Elena nods along with a frown and then says reluctantly, "Vicki's been asking me about you. ."

I remove my arms from their shoulders and then shrug, "well, aside from talking to her at school there isn't much I can do about that my darling sister."

My cousin/sister wrinkles her nose and rolls her eyes at me "You've been acting really weird."

With a shrug I make my way upstairs to get a change of clothes. I have to get ready for school now. It's not like I can shout out that trouble I probably going to be a permanent part of our lives. Maybe after school I'll have a chat with my sis and Aunt about the madness we're finding ourselves in.

To be honest I wouldn't be surprised if Rebekah has a chat with Stefan when we get to school. She loved him so I imagine that she won't just ignore that, it's not part of her personality after all.

Mystic Falls High School

Arriving at the school was kind of dull, I rode with Bonnie and Elena again since I currently don't have my license because of the whole 'I lost like four years of my life and ended up in another body' deal that I got going on.

Walking over I see Kol and Rebekah standing outside of the school building looking bored as hell. Elena makes her way over towards stefan who just arrived and I was towards the originals to stand beside him. Rebekah's face is scrunched up in annoyance as she sees them kiss. Kol is looking around boredly as he folds his arms over his chest.

"So, this is what modern day education looks like?" He asks me flatly as Rebekah chuckles and hits her brothers shoulder. "I think that it'd be more entertaining to be following that Salvatore around, at least he seems fun."

"Well, we can pretend for awhile can't we brother?" Rebekah asks with a smirk as she glances back at me "Now, why don't you show me around before I go and kill that doppelgänger?"

I snort and roll my eyes in amusement, "well, she happens to be my cousin so we should try to avoid that."

Grabbing her hand I lead her inside the building all the while ignoring the eyes that are watching us. Kol follows along behind us, Vicki steps in front of me with a frown.

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