Chapter 2 - Safety Precautions

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Gilbert Residence

I glance at the liquid vervain again and sigh, I might as well use it. I'm sure I can find a tattoo artist who won't mind mixing it in, I'll just make up a bullshit reason for why I'm doing it.

It's early, like really fucking early. Maybe I should go visit Kat after I get all Compel proof, at least she's fun.

I get out of the bed and grab the vervain. I get on some clothes, gathering up my school bag I trek the short trip down the stairs.

"Vicki's in the hospital." Jenna says as I make it downstairs.

"And?" I ask with a sigh as I fill myself up a glass of water, I don't actually know her and while she doesn't deserve to die she isn't a character that I was very fond of.

"and, and? I thought you loved her." Jenna says as she plays with her hair, a frown on her face.

"Eh, I'm sure it was the drugs. Now Jenna, go with the hair up, it's more professional." I mutter as I get out some toast.

She glances at me and frowns "have you stopped using?"

"Yup, drugs bad. I get it." I mumble with a humph. I don't like drugs At All.

"You've been acting very different." Jenna says causing me to actually look at her.

"I'm moving on is all" I tell her with a shrug as I pat her shoulder, it's like having my insecure mom back. "Don't worry so much Aunt Jenna, you'll get grays!" I say with a wink as I set down at the table.

"You're not taking off?"

"I told you I wasn't didn't it?"

She signs and then looks at me and asks curiously "are you making breakfast?"

"Yup, you don't mind French toast right?" I ask her carefully.

"I love French toast."

"Good." I tell her as I lightly sprinkle a bit of the vervain into the coating for the French Toast. "I do too, and Omelettes. Gotta love Omelettes."

"I didn't know that you could make Omelettes." Elena says as she walks down the stairs with a small smile on her pretty face.

"Yeah? I'll make you one tomorrow then, this morning it's French Toast." I tell her with a small smile, sure she's a brat but she's a hot brat.

"Can I have some of the French Toast?" Elena asks me cautiously.

"Yeah, I'm making enough." I even vervained it so no one can tap a vein on them. Safety is important after all.

You know, kind of like the saying 'Don't be silly protect your Willie' it's sort of like that.

Except instead of preventing unplanned pregnancies I'm preventing vampires from sucking the Juice from my girls. Kind of.
Mystic Falls High School

After breakfast we went to school, I drove Elena's car, not that she was thrilled about that but she'll survive. I'm getting a tattoo to protect myself.

I'm going to have to find a way to slap one on Jenna too. Elena would flat out refuse though, I'm not opposed to dragging Caroline along though, that girl needs protection.

"Hey Caroline." I say as I sit down beside her.

"Oh, hi Jeremy, do you need something?"

"Yeah, I actually wanted to get a tattoo with you." I tell her bluntly.

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