Chapter 3 - The Road Trip To Florida

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On The Road

My cell was gettin a lot of calls from Elena, Vicki and Aunt Jenna while we made our way to Florida, in the end I just turned my phone off, then things went smoother from there.

"Girlfriend?" Damon asks with a smirk.

"Nope, This in is more like a controlling sister actually."

Damon snorts "Elena then?"

"Yeah" I say with a sigh, someone totally needs to mellow Elena out, maybe she could be with like Kol or go back to Matt something.

Florida - woods

"How do you know if Katherine is around here?" Damon asks with a frown.

"I just do." I may have had to go and steal the address but a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do. 

"Ready for a trek through the woods Damon?" I ask him with a smirk on my face "I think it's time for us to find a lost Kat."

Damon snorts and rolls his eyes "Yeah yeah yea, got it and if you're right I won't even kill you."

"Brilliant." I reply dryly as I roll my eyes "just what I wanted."

"Well, if it upsets you that much then I could just kill you instead." Damon says with a huff of amusement.

"I'm sure that you'd be thrilled man." I say with a small laugh as we start walking through the woods.

"Yeah, whatever you say kid."

As we're walking through the woods we come across a decent sized wooden cabin, I look down at the written address and then back up at the mailbox.

"This is it." I tell him as I hand him the address.

Walking up to the door I knock a few times and then wait patiently. Then there is sexy little Katherine, in presumably Masons shirt holding the door open, and her mouth.

"Dddamon?" She mutters wide eyed, then she glances at me and back at him. "What are you doing here?"

"That's my fault." I tell her with a smirk of my own "I had to make sure you wouldn't open the tomb you know. So here we are!"

Damon grits his teeth angrily as he looks at the barely dressed woman. "You've been free this whole time and you just left us."

Katherine pouts as I move and sit down on the porch to watch the show with amusement as Mason comes over with a curious frown on his face.

"What's going on?" He asks before Katherine can answer, he glances at a very sheepish looking Katherine "Kat?"

"Damon, meet Mason." Katherine says with a weary sigh as she watches Damon curiously "Mason, meet Damon. One of my ex's."

"Yes. The one you turned and claimed that you loved. How are you using him?" Damon asks as he points at Mason in annoyance.

"She only wants to sacrifice him in a ritual. Right Katerina?" I ask her as she grimaces looking a bit caged up. .

"You WHAT?" Mason snaps angrily at her, his hands balled into fists.

Katherine bares her fangs at me and charges, I grab the pencil out of my sweater pocket and slam it into her neck.

"Now Now, I'm not working for Niklaus" I say with a huff. "I haven't even met him yet and perhaps you could use some friends that you won't become a backstabbing bitch too?" I suggest as I yank the pencil back out of her throat harshly before putting it back in my pocket.

She rubs her now healing neck as she frowns at me "How much do you know?"

"Everything, kinda. I mean I don't know if use the bath every night or anything or which blood type you prefer. But I know you're running and I know why."

"Wait, wait, who's Niklaus?" Damon asks confused.

"One of the originals." Katherine tells him flatly as she narrows her eyes at me now.

"Hey Kat, I got a question. Stefan or Elijah?" I ask quickly.

"Elijah." She snaps her mouth shut looking mortified and I hide a laugh as her face turns red in embarrassment.

"Who's Elijah?" Damon and Mason asks with annoyance in their voices.

"An original." Me and Katherine reply. I chuckle a little and smirk at her.

"What is an original?" Mason asks curiously, Damon nods along with the question.

"The very first vampires." I answer before Katherine can.

"and they don't like me very much." Katherine adds simply.

"Well, considering that they assume they own your life yeah, they don't like you very much." I say in agreement.

That's something I never got. Klaus and the others were betraying her in that situation. They took her and promised her good things. If they planned on sacrificing her and it's Klaus and the originals that were betrayed? Bullfucking shit.

But that doesn't necessarily matter now, it's just something that seems very warped to me, if the situation had been reversed Klaus would've tried to kill her outright for the treachery of plotting to kill him, all she did is run like a bat out of hell.

He could've left her family be and let them get older and generations could've pop out multiple possible Dopple babies. Then they could've made a deal with said dopple, maybe promise to find a way for them to live through it or something.

But eh, anyone can be idiots and people wouldn't of watched it if all they did was exchange business cards or signatures, perhaps a few goats or something ya know.

"So, ya coming to mystic falls for the upcoming fun kat?" I ask her with a smirk.

"Yeah, are you coming up?" Damon asks irritably before he sighs "I want to hate you" he tells her flatly.

I snort as Mason nods with a frown "I want to hate you too" he tells her and I start chuckling as Katherine starts pouting.

"You could all give her hug and Katherine could apologize!" I suggest in amusement.

Both of the guys face twist in displeasure "No way." They say, same expression too. They're SO gonna be friends, I can already see it.

"Perhaps on the way home we can check out some warehouses in Chicago?" I suggest.


"I wanna let out a really really hot original chick, she's got a fiery attitude for miles, pretty blonde hair and perfect eyes, great body too but her personality is rocking enough."

"He'd kill you." Katherine says flatly.

"The originals?" The other two guys ask trying to keep up with only some information.

"And it'd SO be worth it honeybunch." I tell her as I start heading back to the car.

"Fine" Katherine shouts "but I'm going to be vengeful if you get us all killed."

"I'll kill you if you get us killed." Damon says annoyed when we get into his car, Katherine rides with a very annoyed looking Mason.

Now this will be interesting.

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