Chapter 7 - Augustine

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Mystic Grill

"Now, what did you need me for?" Finn asks me curiously as he sits beside Damon with his arms crossed over his chest while his face remains blank.

"Wanna help us free someone?" I ask him bluntly as the others all continue to watch the interaction curiously.

Finn frowns as he puts his elbows on top of the bar counter and his fingers rub under his chin as he looks at all of us. "And just who is this person?"

"A friend of mine." Damon says as he downs a shot of bourbon in frustration. "A friend of mine that I had assumed was dead, actually."

The eldest original son presses his lips into a thin line and then nods solemnly. "I will help you. Then I would like help in finding a way to be released from the curse of vampirism without my final death."

"Agreed." I say readily as I reach my hand out to shake his.

"Come on Finn, being a vampire isn't that bad." Kol says with a scowl. "You'd appreciate it more if you gave it time."

"I wouldn't mind being human again actually." Rebekah says shyly from beside me, looking at Kol worriedly.

I grab her hand gently then, Kol looks between us and scowls angrily before muttering "Will I at least get to kill someone?"

We didn't waste anytime leaving the Grill. "We can discuss the rest of the plan at the Boarding House."

Salvatore Boarding House

After we all chose our respective seats we began the initial planning. We needed a way in, unfortunately the best way to do that is to recruit Bonnie for help us. I can get it, but her help would be nice to have. If she refuses then she refuses, but she has just began learning about her magic so it might be a decent exorcise for her.

"Hey Bonnie?" I ask after she picks up her cell. "Do you mind coming to the Salvatore Boarding House?"

"Why?" She asks me hesitantly from across the line.

Now is the time to go all in I guess or balls deep as some people would say. "Because we're going to save a vampire that's been tortured for over fifty years."

"A vampire?" She yelps quietly across the line before whispering back. "Grams says to stay away from them, that they're dangerous and they only get us killed."

"That's not entirely false there Bon, but you do have a choice. If you don't want to help us out then that's okay. If you can then yes, you will need to work with a few vampires just this once." I mean fuck, I'm pretty sure I can get them to pay her for her help too. Being a witch and helping a vampire isn't exactly danger free after all.

She was quiet for a few minutes on the other line before she answers back "okay, okay I'll help. Give me ten minutes and then I'll be there."

"Got it. See you in a bit Bonnie." I tell her kindly as I snap the phone shut before glancing at the others. "She will help. Be nice to her, she's a good girl."

"How about while we wait we talk about why you and my little sister have gotten so close?" Kol asks with a huff as Finn rolls his eyes in annoyance.

"Because, we talk. I like her." I tell him with a shrug as I lean back on the couch and wrap one of my arms around her shoulders. "She's funny, she's smart, she's got wit."

"She also gets really bitchy." Kol adds snidely and I roll my eyes.

"And you can be a right asshole, as can I. You may drink blood but you're still human. Being un-able to age doesn't change the fundamental fact that you are all people."

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