Chapter 4 - To Chicago

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On The Road

"How are we going to know where the warehouse is?" Damon asks irritably, I glance at him blandly.

"By looking for it. I know that they're in a warehouse in Chicago. I'm just not sure which warehouse exactly." I tell him with a shrug.

"That's so helpful." Damon says sarcastically "I'm sure we'll find it in no time now."

I scoff in annoyance "you could just leave, idiot. I want to wake her up, if you don't wanna be there or be a part of it then I'll gladly walk my happy ass over there."

He rolls his eyes "I'll take you, I owe you or something stupid like that."

Ahhh, he wants to revert to the 'I don't give a shit Damon' but is trying not to.

"Kat can be a bitch."

Damon grinds his teeth together angrily "I want to kill her."

I just shrug "Yeah, but she sure is hot."

"She looks like your sister."

"Eh, we're related but not related and Katherine isn't related to me at all."

"That hardly makes any sense." He says flatly.

"Good, it doesn't exactly need to make sense to you, does it?"

Damon sighs irritably "I would like an explanation."

"and I would like to be graduated from high school already. But we don't always get what we want now do we Damon?"

He glares at me annoyed or maybe it's in anger, either way it's still a bit funny. "Shut up kid."

I chuckle in amusement as I rest my head against the back of the seat and close my eyes, I should get some sleep before we arrive. We have about 12 hours to go.


When we finally get to Chicago we meet at the Hilton, an unnecessarily fancy place for our stay however. We gather in one of the rooms that were compelled. Yes, compelled. They obviously didn't want to pay for the room.

"Do you even know which warehouse she's in?" Katherine asks me boredly.

"Not a clue, but I'm going to find her." I tell her determinedly. "First I'm going to let her out of that damnned coffin, then I am going to destroy all of those fucking daggers and then I will be dropping one coffin into the middle of the sea somewhere."

"Klaus will kill you." Katherine says sternly as she gets close to me "He'll kill you, everyone in your family and then he'll kill all of us. I refuse to die."

I shrug while looking at her blank faced "I like being alive, I'll admit that. But I also know that he plans on doing that anyways so. . Go big or go home?"

"Which family member do you plan on dropping in the ocean?" She asks cautiously.

"The one I hope to never meet of course." I tell her simply. "Okay, so we'll check these ones here" I say as I point to a chart "and then we'll check the abandoned ones that are over here."

"That'll take a week at least." Katherine says with a sigh as she looks at me with a pout.

"Yeah, so?"

"So, we're going to be here for a week then?" Mason asks with a frown.

"Or two" I add with a small chuckle. "What? It might be fun, we can check out the bars and clubs too."

"I'll stay for the bars and clubs." Damon says with a sigh and then mumbles. "Maybe this will be fun."

Katherine shakes her head and mutters, "He's going to kill us."

"You're free to leave whenever you want to Kat." I tell her flatly. Really, I'm not chaining her down or anything. She can even run off to go tell Klaus if she wants to.

She looks at me for awhile and then sighs with a pout. "Fine, fine. I'll stay and help."

I raise an eyebrow at her and then shrug as I stare at the map. "Let's look at these ones first."

"Alright, but how are we going to check the warehouse?" Mason asks with a sigh.


"Ugh, fine. We'll compel our way through the warehouses." Damon mutters as he glares at Katherine who winks at him.

Sarcastically I say "Play nicely children."

"Shut up, smartass."

We ended up doing this the simpler way. We walked in, Damon or Kat compelled them to print us a list with the renters for each warehouse space.  After that we went back to the hotel to check the list.

Looking through them took time even with the four of us. Eventually we went to the next location and then the one after that. By the end of that a week had passed us by and we unfortunately still hadn't found it.

"No Aunt Jenna." I tell her as we talk in the phone.

"Jeremy get home this instant." Jenna says sharply.

"Can't, I'm busy." I tell her simply.

She sighs "Then tell me what you're doing."

"I can't."

"Jermey, do you have any idea how worried we are for you right now?" Jenna asks me "we didn't know if you went on a drug binge or if you were dead in a ditch somewhere."

"Well, I'm not dead or on a binge of any kind Aunt Jenna. I'm just busy with something else."

"Elena's been acting strange too. Jeremy I just . . ."

"You're doing just find Aunt Jenna, just make sure to go to Zach's and ask for some vervain for your coffee. It'll be good for you. Maybe ask for some to put in your shampoo too. It's supposed to have a nice floral smell."

She sighs "you're being really weird Jeremy, oh and your girlfriend stopped by a few firms for you."

"I don't have a girlfriend."

"Oh. . . . I'm going to go now, try to be home soon otherwise I'll tell the police to put a search out for you. It's almost been two weeks now."

"Got it. Bye." I say as I hang up the phone and go back through the next list of renters for the warehouses.

"I found it" Mason says loudly two days before I need to head back home. He lifts up the sheet of paper and I grab it. Looking it over I nod.

"Now we just need to wait for Damon and Kat to get back." I mumble. We're going to need a group of criminals compelled for this, that should be a good enough feast for sleeping Mikaelson's right?

Of course we're going to have to make sure that the mommy Mikaelson's coffin is missing before that otherwise they might kill me for that one. But I'll just need a ship compelled to drop her in the middle of the ocean somewhere.

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